tolwi / hassio-ecoflow-cloud

EcoFlow Cloud Integration for Home Assistant
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Delta Pro Only Populates Data When Connected To App #283

Open Milli42 opened 1 month ago

Milli42 commented 1 month ago

I'm hoping someone can assist me. I recently had to restore my HA instance and restored everything via my backup. All my integrations are working; however, when it comes to this one, the sensors for my Delta Pro only work when I open the EcoFlow App on my phone. Once I close the app, it no longer updates to the sensors.

I've removed the integration, re-added it. I've done several restarts and nothing resolves this. Again the integration is working and I can see all my sensors, but they only update when I open the Ecoflow App on my phone. Very strange! Any advice?

Milli42 commented 1 month ago

I'm currently using the following versions: Core- 2024.8.1 Supervisor- 2024.08.0 Operating System- 12.4 Delta Pro Firmware -

Gizzo commented 1 month ago

I noticed this today too but with my River 2 Pro. Hassio logs for the integration seem to indicate a successful login and connection to the MQTT service but nothing appears in Hassio until I start the app. The connection seems to close or time out after an hour or so and then I have to go though the whole process of reloading the integration and opening the app on my phone again.

nschaefer commented 1 month ago

Since yesterday I got the same problem. My Delta 2 Max and Powerstream only update when I open the app.

WurstKarate commented 1 month ago

Same here

marinobantli commented 1 month ago

Same here with the Powerstream.

That damn cloud-only stuff...

faken commented 1 month ago

Having exactly the same issue, I've recently used a python script to control the feed in power for my powerstream that is using the official ecoflow api, maybe the plugin can be migrated to use the official api?

giovanne123 commented 1 month ago

Same here, I think there is something in the pipeline for offical API in *.pre releases: (

I haven't tested so far...

ser1us commented 1 month ago

Same here. I believe this happened to me after updating the OS to V13 this morning (raspberry pi 4). But cannot confirm for sure since I have the ecoflow app open a lot of times.

Some weird issues lately with home assistant in general. The core update to 2024.8 causes my cpu to jump from 5 to 60% and staying there. So thats why I had to restore my backup too.

Delta Max, Powerstream

jurgen2005 commented 1 month ago

Same here with the Powerstream, with no changes whatsover in my local config. Updates only arrive when the app is open...

Could it be Ecoflow tries to restrict load on their servers by only allowing info when the app is connected?

Max-Solar commented 1 month ago

Same problem here. 3x Powerstream 2x Delta Max 2x River Pro 1x River 2 Pro

Vg Max

ser1us commented 1 month ago

Something potentially related: are the solar production statistics (or statistics in general) accurate for you? I think they lose a lot of data and it is never correct.

For example this morning I had an hour with sun and a production between 190-220W.

The statistics for that time report 160Wh, other hours are also affected. Seems weird as if they are having issues with data processing in general.

jurgen2005 commented 1 month ago

You are right, the app also show incorrect accumulated for the last hours, much less than it should be.

skater175 commented 1 month ago

I've probably had the same problem since yesterday. My River Max only updates when I open the app on my smartphone.

JStaegerino commented 1 month ago

same problem here

terok-nor commented 1 month ago

same problem here...

delta 2 / powerstream / delta 2 max

Twonique commented 1 month ago

Same here, Powerstream, Delta 2 Max, HA OS 13.0

OleksandrSY commented 1 month ago

Absolutely the same issue, Delta2 Max, River2 Max. Sensors updated only after opening Ecoflow app. So, it is required to open Ecoflow app each time you want to see up-to-date info in HA

Hydrocephalic commented 1 month ago

Same issue here. Updates only arrive when the app is open.

Core 2024.8.1 Supervisor 2024.08.0 Operating System 13.0

nschaefer commented 1 month ago

Tried it with the prerelease v1.0.0-pre4... still the same problem

Milli42 commented 1 month ago

Tried it with the prerelease v1.0.0-pre4... still the same problem

Same. I just did that this morning to test it and the same issue persists.

Milchbeck commented 1 month ago

Same problem D2M & River Update only when app open

Twonique commented 1 month ago

Rolled back to 2024.7.4 and 2024.7.3, all the same - no updates in HA until the Ecoflow App is open / gets focus (in iOS)

BustaChewy commented 1 month ago

Having the same issue too with my Delta 2 Max...not updating very often.

HaJoHe commented 1 month ago

Same here since this morning for my Powerstream. Firmware-Update of this day did not solved this issue.V1.0.1.217 and (WiFi)

witz-mieder commented 1 month ago

Same problem. My solution for the next few days: I'm using an old iPad with the Ecoflow app. I've deactivated the screen lock, so the app is always activated.

Milchbeck commented 1 month ago

Same problem.

My solution for the next few days: I'm using an old iPad with the Ecoflow app. I've deactivated the screen lock, so the app is always activated.

Don't work I'm tested

Okay work maybe 🤔 I'm open the Home area now

Milchbeck commented 1 month ago


My fix 😂 but it's working

Nid01 commented 1 month ago

In my case it seems to be related with updating my PowerStream to V1.0.1.217 and its WIFI to V1.1.4.85 and/or updating the iOS app. Changing settings of the PowerStream via the public API still works via HTTP and MQTT and sensor data still can be retrieved. I can only guess, that the old API now has a something like a health check, if the app is actively used. I'll try to increase my progress in my integration and take a look in the newest version of this integration to help making the transition to the public API possible sooner.

Nid01 commented 1 month ago

@mattpeufpeuf Can you recall when you last updated the app on your smartphone and your devices? When we find a pattern, we might be able to request a fix from the EcoFlow support.

Milli42 commented 1 month ago

@mattpeufpeuf Can you recall when you last updated the app on your smartphone and your devices? When we find a pattern, we might be able to request a fix from the EcoFlow support.

Yes, this would have been update 5.5.0 (ios), which I updated "1 week ago" according to my iOS history. This sounds about right when I started experiencing issues. I didn't catch on for a few days. They just released another version yesterday, 5.5.1. I know this issue started with 5.5.0.

Dreffi88 commented 1 month ago

I just want to tell that this problem does not affect everyone.

I am using Walys ioBroker script for a subscription and control of two Powerstreams.

In Home Assistant I am using this integration and have a subscription for a Delta 2 and a Delta 2 Max.

Both applications are working fine, even through night. Both of my Powerstreams went to sleep during the night and at the moment I am receiving data from all of my devices and even the control via ioBroker is working.

I don’t know if this is just a happy accident for me or something different in my setup.

ser1us commented 1 month ago

Just a heads-up from my side. This morning I opened up the app once and closed it. Then I realized that home assistant values keep updating.

I went so far as to do a "force stop" of the android app just to be sure and yes, still working.

That's for both devices configured, the power station as well as the delta max.


mattpeufpeuf commented 1 month ago

@mattpeufpeuf Can you recall when you last updated the app on your smartphone and your devices? When we find a pattern, we might be able to request a fix from the EcoFlow support.

I updated the app on my iPhone yesterday after "bug". I've got just a powerstream. Powerstream was uptated 1 month ago with last firmware.

cs42 commented 1 month ago

@mattpeufpeuf Can you recall when you last updated the app on your smartphone and your devices? When we find a pattern, we might be able to request a fix from the EcoFlow support.

For me it started happening yesterday (2024-08-14) around noon. Last firmware update has been a few days ago, last app update about 2 weeks. So nothing changed there.

But I did have a "data glitch" on the 13th already, but that one "healed" itself.

OleksandrSY commented 1 month ago

Update: Today I've updated my iOS app from 5.5.0 to 5.5.1, Ecoflow released update yesterday. For Android I have no updates since August 2nd. Opened iOS app, opened Android app, closed both with force close. Metrics are being updated, but seems not all metrics, e.g. battery_temperature received updated 1 hour ago, probably Ecoflow didn't send update for it.

Not sure that "fix" is related to iOS app update

witz-mieder commented 1 month ago

It could be a coincidence, but I haven't had any problems since I started running the ecoflow app continuously on an old ipad. My problems started yesterday around 05:00 am CET. IMG_1855

andreasbuff commented 1 month ago

Same problem here. Started 14.08.24. Some values ​​(e.g. solar input) are displayed correctly and updated regularly, others, such as battery status, are sometimes displayed incorrectly and not updated. I think, that there was a Change in API, or the Cloud-Interface on Ecoflow Side is unstable?

Update: Looks like it is working again: Since 20:51 CH-Time it get correct updates again. as I suspected, most likely a problem with Ecoflow's APIs

Update: It is again shaking again.

BustaChewy commented 1 month ago

I'm seeing the similar thing on my Delta 2 max. Solar and power out seems to ok (and updates frequently), but battery levels, temperature and even the energy tab (part being fed by ecoflow) isn't updating at all.

I even have the ecoflow app open and the battery charge, temperature sensors aren't updating in HA. I have to do a full HA reboot to get updated measurements.

Damn you Ecoflow!

Edit: solar charging isn't updating correctly either...not frequent at all and the accumulated input numbers aren't right either. Sad times.

Milchbeck commented 1 month ago


Actually it works without open the App

kbhsn4 commented 1 month ago

Today it seems to work for me (it didn't yesterday). I think it's safe to assume that it is caused by something in the EcoFlow backend. I think accelerate migration to the public API should be a high priority.

marinobantli commented 1 month ago

Yeah, it started working for me again today.

mvaags commented 1 month ago

Same problem.

Every 8 minutes my powerstream and delta2max go offline and numbers are not updated anymore until I start my Ecoflow app Ecoflow and powerstream offline

nschaefer commented 1 month ago

Currently it's working for me... we will see if it keeps working...

NathanWarrick commented 1 month ago

Currently not working for me, only updates when app is open on my phone

nschaefer commented 1 month ago

yes... got the problem too again...

skater175 commented 1 month ago

It no longer helps me to open the Ecoflow app. The data is not updated then either. There is only a one-time update when I reload the EcoFlow Cloud Integration to my device (River Max).

TheGreyDiamond commented 1 month ago

For me it still seems to help. Opening the ecoflow app provides me with a few minutes of updates. I've got a powerstream inverter. I first noticed it on the 14.august

My current fix is using a Shelly plug to measure the power my powerstream stuffs into wall. I'll probably also setup a bluestacks instance or something. It would be good to figure out how ecoflow detectes app usage..

chickenbeef commented 1 month ago

River Pro 720w on WiFi

Also affected, noticed it after HA restarted and the integration wasn't getting any data. Read the comments here and installed the EcoFlow app then the integration updated its values. As mentioned already though, it stops updating after some time.

heahmund76 commented 1 month ago

I too noticed the same, any device I put to sleep like phone the status goes offline. Restarting, logging into accounts again not changed anything. For now, I installed the ecoflow app in Bluestacks for android on a PC that stays on 24/7. So far keeping it online.

mattpeufpeuf commented 1 month ago

I Think it works for this morning. 🤞all app was closed IMG_2475

update : not work anymore 😢 ![Uploading IMG_2478.jpeg…]()