tom-2015 / rpi-ws2812-server

Raspberry Pi WS2812 (web) server tool
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Startup Issue after Update to new Version #41

Closed Bigdeath closed 4 years ago

Bigdeath commented 4 years ago

After i updated the rpi-ws2812-server my startup script no longer works as before.

Here my Script:

[Unit] Description=LED Server StartLimitIntervalSec=0

[Service] Type=forking Restart=always RestartSec=1 User=pi WorkingDirectory=/home/pi/rpi-ws2812-server ExecStartPre=/bin/echo "LED-Server versucht zu starten" ExecStart=/usr/bin/screen -dmS LEDSERVER bash -c "cd /home/pi/rpi-ws2812-server ; sudo ./ws2812svr -i 'setup 1,13,3;init;blink 1,FF0000,00FF00,75,24;fade 1,255,0,10,2;render;fill 1,000000;render;brightness 1,255;' -tcp 9999; bash" & ExecStartPost=/bin/echo "LED-Server gestartet" [Install]

When the pi starts he showed me through this script that the ledserver is running. But now server starts without flashing my leds. When i send a TCP paket then it runs the blink.... and after that the TCP paket. I dont understand why. Server runs in a screen to debug for problems.

Second Problem: I tried it with your new startupscript, but it just keeps coming that i didnt run the init. No matter what I configure.

Everything worked wonderfully before the update.

I use your server to let viewers interact with my LEDs via twitch. Chats, follow = blink blink :-) Nice gimmick! Thanks for your work! Sorry for my bad english, im from Germany.

tom-2015 commented 4 years ago

The new startup script you mean running it as a service/with config file? Did you enter the command to initialize in the config file? Like in config file: mode=tcp port=9999 file=/home/pi/test.txt pipe=/dev/leds init=setup 1,13,3;init;blink 1,FF0000,00FF00,75,24;fade 1,255,0,10,2;render;fill 1,000000;render;brightness 1,255;

What happens if you run the command: sudo ./ws2812svr -i 'setup 1,13,3;init;blink 1,FF0000,00FF00,75,24;fade 1,255,0,10,2;render;fill 1,000000;render;brightness 1,255;'

Bigdeath commented 4 years ago

The new startup script you mean running it as a service/with config file? Yes Did you enter the command to initialize in the config file? Yes Like in config file: mode=tcp port=9999 file=/home/pi/test.txt pipe=/dev/leds init=setup 1,13,3;init;blink 1,FF0000,00FF00,75,24;fade 1,255,0,10,2;render;fill 1,000000;render;brightness 1,255; Yes What happens if you run the command: sudo ./ws2812svr -i 'setup 1,13,3;init;blink 1,FF0000,00FF00,75,24;fade 1,255,0,10,2;render;fill 1,000000;render;brightness 1,255;' Then starts right. When i now put -tcp 9999 at the end, then the server starts without my start blinking and i have the same problem.

Bigdeath commented 4 years ago

sudo ./ws2812svr -i 'setup 1,13,3;init;blink 1,FF0000,00FF00,75,24;fade 1,255,0,10,2;render;fill 1,000000;render;brightness 1,255;' -> Starts with the blink

sudo ./ws2812svr -i 'setup 1,13,3;init;blink 1,FF0000,00FF00,75,24;fade 1,255,0,10,2;render;fill 1,000000;render;brightness 1,255;' -tcp 9999 Terminal: Listening on 9999. Waiting for client to connect. -> Starts without the Blink Send TCP Paket: Client connected. -> Start Blink Waiting for client to connect. -> TCP Paket perform

I dont understand why the server perform the -i after a TCP paket.

Bigdeath commented 4 years ago

i think i have found the problem, but have no solution.

When i start the server without TCP option, i can tell the server what i want inside shell. But when i start the server with TCP option, shell commands doesnt work. I think thats the point why my Service start script not work.

TCP and no shell command works: ****:/home/pi/rpi-ws2812-server# sudo ./ws2812svr -tcp 9999 Listening on 9999. Waiting for client to connect. setup test test init render

Without TCP, shell works ****:/home/pi/rpi-ws2812-server# sudo ./ws2812svr setup test test Invalid channel number, use channels to initialize total channels you want to use. init Gpio 0 is illegal for LED channel 0 ws2811_init failed: Selected GPIO not possible render Invalid channel number, did you call setup and init?

instant info about my false command without tcp option. Now why?

tom-2015 commented 4 years ago

Can you check if the issue is gone with the latest version.

Bigdeath commented 4 years ago

Jeah! Startup blink is now functional. But the Problem with TCP Option and no shell commands still there.

tom-2015 commented 4 years ago

If you chose TCP you cannot enter commands it's normal.

Bigdeath commented 4 years ago

Ouh ok, I thought I could enter it despite TCP mode. Well, probably wrongly thought. Thanks anyway for the quick fix!