tom-hc-park / STAT550-450-for-Seniorworkers-from-Korea

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2nd Meeting w/ the Client #13

Open hyunokryu opened 6 years ago

hyunokryu commented 6 years ago

Hello, the analysis team. I sincerely appreciate your effort in the project. I will attend to the March 1 meeting (2:30pm). However, I wonder if it is possible to meet up beforehand, as a preliminary meeting. I do not expect you to have the final proposal by this preliminary meeting. I just want to know the rough results or the direction of the analysis findings so that I and other authors can navigate the paper writing. It is mostly because the due date for the conference paper is mid-March. Thank you for your precious time and understanding.

p.s. my name is Hyunok "Ryu", not "Yoo" :)

NSKrstic commented 6 years ago

Hi Hyunok,

Apologies for the late response. Is there a reason you would like to meet earlier? Currently the meeting is planned to be from 2:30pm-4:00pm. I'm not sure if all of us will be available.

hyunokryu commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your reply. The reason for asking you to schedule another preliminary meeting a week ago was to have enough time to write the conference paper based on the analysis. After one week passed by, however, it wouldn’t make much difference even if we make an earlier meeting. See you on March 1, at 2:30. I will have to leave at 3:30.

NSKrstic commented 6 years ago

Apologies once again, I believe I misunderstood you regarding the timing of the preliminary meeting. I thought you were interested in starting the meeting on March 1 at an earlier time instead. The March 1st meeting will function more as our in-progress report. Regardless, I believe the students of STAT 450 have been focused on conducting the analysis during these past couple of weeks. I'm not sure if an earlier meeting would have been fruitful. Nevertheless, we should've notified you of this earlier. We'll see you on March 1st.

hyunokryu commented 6 years ago

I should have made myself more clear. My fault. And you might be right about the fruitfulness of the meeting on an earlier date. I hope to see/discuss the analysis results and findings in the meeting. It would be nice to see them with detailed tables, etc. Thank you.