tom-james-watson /

p2p video conferencing powered by WebRTC.
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Doesn't work with Firefox on #35

Open realslimshanky opened 2 years ago

realslimshanky commented 2 years ago

Environment: Firefox "95.0.1 (64-bit)" & Chrome "Version 96.0.4664.110 (Official Build) (x86_64)"

How to recreate the issue? User 1 connects using Firefox to room A. User 2 connects using Chrome to room A.

What's the bug? User 2 can see and hear User 1 but User 1 cannot see or listen to User 2.

tom-james-watson commented 2 years ago

Can confirm I saw this too. A new version that is a complete rewrite has been deployed so there will be some teething issues. Needs some investigation.

tom-james-watson commented 2 years ago

I have changed the list of STUN servers used for ice from the jitsi stun server back to two google servers. This resolved some issues I saw locally with ice and may mean that what you saw has been fixed. Worth trying again at least.

tom-james-watson commented 2 years ago

I've actually just fixed what I believe was another bug in the connection code, so definitely worth trying again now.

realslimshanky commented 2 years ago

@tom-james-watson it's still not working for me and the issue is the same as before. If you're not able to reproduce this bug maybe there's something wrong on my side?