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p2p video conferencing powered by WebRTC.
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feature request: screen sharing #47

Open brandondrew opened 2 years ago

brandondrew commented 2 years ago

I don't see any way to share my screen with, but it would be very useful (and would make it viable for my use case).

chanjuping commented 1 year ago

My workaround for this is the same one I had to use for Zoom because they don't properly support Wayland. OBS Studio with virtual camera. In fact, it's worth learning just because it makes online screen sharing so much more versatile.

LoveIsGrief commented 10 months ago

This is actually my major usecase for Signal and Element have a pretty low framerate and high latency for videos where as just streams at full throttle. It's great.

brandondrew commented 10 months ago

My workaround for this is the same one I had to use for Zoom because they don't properly support Wayland. OBS Studio with virtual camera. In fact, it's worth learning just because it makes online screen sharing so much more versatile.

That's actually a great idea, but it requires every user to install additional software so that they can share their screen, even though (AFAIK) browsers have this ability built-in. Also I'm guessing that it's not possible for users of tablets and phones. And if OBS Studio is a paid product then that's yet another obstacle.

brandondrew commented 10 months ago

@tom-james-watson is there any chance of adding screen-sharing capabilities to

tom-james-watson commented 10 months ago

It is possible but I am not actively working on this project at the moment. Obviously as it's open source, anybody can work on this and submit a pull request.