tom-james-watson /

p2p video conferencing powered by WebRTC.
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Show some kind of error when peer connections via ICE fail #60

Open tom-james-watson opened 1 year ago

tom-james-watson commented 1 year ago

In this case, you would require a STUN server to successfully be able to connect. I am not risking the cost of running a STUN server for this project, so unfortunately it just means you won't be able to connect to this peer. Instead of this being a silent error, we should instead show some kind of error on the peer's element.

wolfgang42 commented 1 year ago

I'm having some related issues into #57. Interestingly, I’ve since done a bit of experimentation with a homebrew WebRTC-based chat application, and discovered that the connection establishes just fine in one direction, but fails in the other. (I suspect there’s something weird about my NAT, but I haven’t dug into what yet.) So it might also be worth adding a fallback to try the connection in the other direction if the initial setup fails.

Grubben commented 9 months ago

Could using ipv6 solve this problem? If so I could try porting it

wolfgang42 commented 9 months ago

@Grubben ipv6 might help in some cases, but at least in my situation my network is ipv4-only :/ so per the issue description there definitely needs to be some fallback UI for if the connection just can’t be established at all.