tom-seddon / b2

BBC Micro emulator for Windows, OS X, and Linux
111 stars 12 forks source link

Hardware that isn't emulated yet (but should be) #14

Open tom-seddon opened 6 years ago

tom-seddon commented 6 years ago
lurkio commented 4 years ago


tom-seddon commented 4 years ago

Master Compact

lurkio commented 3 years ago

Lack of 8271 emulation possibly causing issues for a user:

tom-seddon commented 2 years ago

Olivetti Prodest PC 128S - see - same as Master Compact?

nelgin commented 1 year ago

Any news when serial support will be added? Beeb-Em has it but only on the Windows build. Would like to see if on the B2. There's a few things I'd like to experiment with.

tom-seddon commented 1 year ago

6502 second processor support will be in the next release.

tom-seddon commented 1 year ago

@nelgin What sort of things are you thinking of? I've been thinking about bumping serial support further up the priority list, as I've got a project in mind myself and it's a bit easier to debug stuff with an emulator.

I'm currently thinking a byte stream over a socket would be enough for my purposes. I'd be planning on doing file/clipboard support as well, as (famous last words...) it doesn't feel like it would be too much extra work.

nelgin commented 1 year ago

@tom-seddon I was thinking of using tcpser along with an emulated serial port, rather than using the computer's hardware serial port since many don't have them these days anyway, which would enable connections to the outside world.

tom-seddon commented 1 year ago

Joystick support will be in the next release

PeterBBCUser commented 1 year ago

Hope tape support will also come soon :)

kgl2001 commented 1 year ago

For ROM mappers, have a look at what's been implemented in MAME:

tom-seddon commented 1 year ago


Can't decide about this. It's not got the BBC branding and the terracotta function keys - so maybe it's out of scope?

But, equally, it's got the 6502, and the MOS interface, and it's at least trying to be a BBC. So maybe I should.

tom-seddon commented 1 year ago

Parallel printer will be in the next release.

Data is stored in a buffer, and you can copy it to clipboard as text (assuming text output only, no ESC commands) or save it to a file for use with a converter of some kind.

DavidCWGA commented 6 months ago

I know it's already on the list but I just wanted to cast an extra vote for tape. Back in the day they used to broadcast software over radio or sometimes even TV and it would be great to see if recordings still work.

tom-seddon commented 5 months ago

I hope to have Master Compact/Olivetti PC 128S largely sorted out in time for the next release. This won't include mouse emulation (yet! Sorry... mouse is still on the list), but it'll have EEPROM support for *CONFIGURE, and the digital joystick interface.

tom-seddon commented 5 months ago

Next on the list after that: probably tape (by popular vote! Also some overlap with serial port support, which I'd still like to do) - but possibly hard disk, as that would be useful (though not super high priority) for testing some BeebLink stuff.

Whichever happens first, the other will follow.