Closed ellio167 closed 8 years ago
I could not reproduce this issue...
I used Emacs 24.5.1, AUCTeX 11.89.4 (installed from package.el), and the latest auctex-latexmk
I invoked Emacs with -q
option (that is, invoke it without any settings) and evaluated the following code in the scratch buffer.
(require 'cask) ;; I assume that auctex and auctex-latexmk are installed via package.el or cask.el
And I tried to compile the following TeX file using C-c C-a
Finally, I could see the preview.
Could you reproduce the issue with -q
Hi, Thanks for your reply.
I'm using brew for my emacs and auctex
$ brew info emacs
emacs: stable 24.5 (bottled), devel 25.1-rc1, HEAD
GNU Emacs text editor
/usr/local/Cellar/emacs/24.5 (3,916 files, 96.9M) *
Built from source on 2016-06-01 at 09:02:35 with: --with-x11
$ brew info auctex
homebrew/tex/auctex: stable 11.89, HEAD
Emacs package for writing and formatting TeX
/usr/local/Cellar/auctex/11.89 (504 files, 4.9M) *
Built from source on 2016-03-20 at 18:08:01
If I use emacs -q
and execute
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/share/emacs/site-lisp/auctex-latexmk")
(require 'auctex-latexmk)
then C-c C-a
works fine. However, if I use emacs -q
and execute
(load "auctex.el" nil t t)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
(function (lambda ()
;; general setup
(setq-local comment-column 0)
(setq-local comment-padding 1)
(setq-local TeX-parse-self t)
;; set default indent values
(setq-local LaTeX-indent-environment-list ())
(setq-local LaTeX-indent-level 0)
(setq-local LaTeX-item-indent 0)
(setq-local TeX-brace-indent-level 0)
(local-set-key [return]
;; setup latexmk to work with auctex
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/share/emacs/site-lisp/auctex-latexmk")
(require 'auctex-latexmk)
(setq-local TeX-command-default "LatexMK")
(setq-local auctex-latexmk-inherit-TeX-PDF-mode t)
;; settings to make interaction with Skim work
(add-to-list 'TeX-view-program-selection
'(output-pdf "PDF Viewer"))
(add-to-list 'TeX-view-program-list
'("PDF Viewer" "/Applications/ -b -g %n %o %b"))
;; settings for clean up
(add-to-list 'LaTeX-clean-intermediate-suffixes
"\\.spl" "\\.tex~")
then C-c C-a
produces the error I mentioned previously.
Sorry for late reply.
I finally found that.
(setq-local TeX-command-default "LatexMK")
Please use "LatexMk" instead of "LatexMK".
Yes! That does it. Such a stupid mistake. Thanks for finding my error and for a nice package!
Hello, Thanks for the nice package!
However, I'm having one problem that I hope you can help me resolve. When I use C-cC-a to execute TeX-command-run-all, I get this error:
TeX-command-expand: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
Any thoughts?
Here is my related .emacs config settings: