tom472 / mediabox

Container based media tools configuration
MIT License
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502 Bad Gateway #42

Closed element465 closed 6 years ago

element465 commented 6 years ago

Just installed, and every time I go to my IP where the server is, I get a 502 Bad Gateway.

Is there anything in Nginx that I need to do to get it working or is it a fairly turn-key solution?

Is there anything I need to do specially? Fairly new to this stuff, and always have issues like this with Ngnix.

I am getting this error for Muximux: [07-May-2018 23:56:26] ERROR: [pool www] please specify user and group other than root [07-May-2018 23:56:26] ERROR: FPM initialization failed

tom472 commented 6 years ago

Is Muximux the only container having issues?

i.e. Can you hit Portainer? via http://IP-Address:9000 And see if all the containers are up and running?

Are you running any other firewalls etc. on the server? Is something else using port 80?

This is (should) be totally turn-key and shouldn't need anything adjusted to "work right out of the box".

element465 commented 6 years ago

Yes, I can access Portainer and they are all online.

I have installed it on a fresh 16.04 Ubuntu Server install, could it perhaps be that I ran the


as sudo? When I ran it with the default user, it was prompting the text, but didn't install anything, it thought it was and then hung half way.

I don't think there are any extra firewalls as I literally installed Ubuntu Server 16.04 and then ran the MediaBox installer (after doing the prerequisites).

tom472 commented 6 years ago

No you should not run the script as sudo.

It should be run as/under your user account. When you say it hung, what was the last action that was taking place?

element465 commented 6 years ago

That's probably something to do with it then!

Um, I'm at work atm, but I believe it was setting permissions. I will check when I get home.

Should be able to be run from the Ubuntu user that I create when installing Ubuntu Server? As that didn't seem to have enough permissions to run it properly.

Also, thanks for getting back to me so quick :)

tom472 commented 6 years ago

Yes, whatever user you have created for normal use on the server can run the script.

You may now need to delete the whole mediabox directory as the permissions for the sub-directories might be messed up now.

Everything should be being done as your regular user account.

The setting permissions part does take a few minutes because a couple containers need to be stopped, adjusted and then restarted.

So I would suggest deleting the mediabox folder and starting again from the git clone part.

Let me know.

tom472 commented 6 years ago

I'm going to guess that no news is good news and that this is resolved. If that is not the case and there is still an issue with this, please re-open the issue.