tom472 / mediabox

Container based media tools configuration
MIT License
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Restoring Backups #74

Closed wibuf closed 5 years ago

wibuf commented 5 years ago

Is there anyway we can add to the readme a quick guide on how to restore plex/radarr/sonarr backups? That will help a lot of people I think.


tom472 commented 5 years ago

Hey @wibuf -- What types of backups are you referring to?

Backups from within the applications themselves? Or Backups from the included Duplicati application?

While there are some settings that need changing for use with Mediabox, Mediabox's documentation is not meant to replace the "general" documentation for each of the individual apps included. Adding documentation related to specific application tasks directly into Mediabox itself could lead to that information possibly becoming stale, incorrect, incomplete etc. should the application itself update their steps/process.

Many of the applications included have their own excellent set(s) of documentation. i.e. This is what I see for Backup and Restore Sonarr

Does that help / make sense?

Thanks --Tom

tom472 commented 5 years ago

@wibuf -- Did the above info help? Do you have anything additional to ask / add?

wibuf commented 5 years ago

No, I am good now thank you a bunch. One idea I had(this is probably the wrong spot for this), but would be to add in KVM/Kimchi. This would make mediabox more similar to Unraid but would still have more freedom having the individual dockers.

tom472 commented 5 years ago

OK thanks for stopping back --

Kimchi looks pretty interesting, I'll put in on my radar and look into it.

Thanks --Tom