tom472 / mediabox

Container based media tools configuration
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DelugeVPN not downloading to specified download folder #85

Closed Zeds112 closed 5 years ago

Zeds112 commented 5 years ago

In the ./ setup I’ve specified a downloads folder on an external HDD but DelugeVPN is downloading to the /home/nobody/downloads container folder on my OS drive.

I’ve tried mounting the HDD folder to /home/nobody/downloads but Deluge doesn’t download the files, it just hangs on ‘Downloading’ and no files are created on my HDD.

Any idea how to fix this?

tom472 commented 5 years ago

Did you check the Troubleshooting section on the Welcome to Mediabox page? Do the values shown there from your .env file settings look correct?

Can you paste the settings listed there from your .env file here?

Zeds112 commented 5 years ago

Yeah the settings all look fine. It seems the files get moved to the downloads folder once they've finished, but they don't download directly to the downloads folder. Is that how it's supposed to work?

TVDIR=/media/mount/Video/TV Shows/1080p/MP4/TV Shows
tom472 commented 5 years ago

Download directory: i.e. DLDIR=/media/mount/MediaBox/MediaBoxDownloads

Represents a top level folder for Download Actions -- there should be (several) sub-folders in there: completed and incomplete would be where the downloads are "going to" depending on their status of in-progress/completion.

Then they get moved to the correct media type folder: tv, movies, music

Is that working for you?

Zeds112 commented 5 years ago

Yep there are these folders:

completed incomplete nzb queue tmp

There are some completed files in the completed folder which seems to be working fine but there's nothing in the incomplete folder. Do I need to change any of the Deluge settings in the WebGUI?

tom472 commented 5 years ago

Is there currently anything in-progress downloading? If not then incomplete will be empty.

As for the Deluge WebGUI you will need to set a level for the ratio of seeding to stop so the file(s) can then be moved. They will not get moved while still in use. (i.e. seeding)

tom472 commented 5 years ago

Hey @Zeds112 -- How are things looking?

Things OK yet or still issues?

Zeds112 commented 5 years ago

Still having issues unfortunately. Did a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04 today and Deluge still keeps downloading directly into the Docker container folder on my SSD OS drive instead of the HDD download folder I specified.

I even tried moving the whole root Docker folder to my HDD using the following guide but NTFS drives are not supported for that:

Not sure what to try next. Having a think.

tom472 commented 5 years ago

When you say this:

Deluge still keeps downloading directly into the Docker container folder on my SSD OS drive

Do you mean its actually downloading into the actual container - or is it saving to a (wrong) spot but on your host?

Zeds112 commented 5 years ago

I mean it's downloading into the actual container folder - it's not downloading it to the 'incomplete' folder in my specified download folder.

My download folder is: /media/mount/MediaBox/MediaBoxDownloads

This folder is empty: image

Instead the files are actively being downloaded to the container folder: image

Zeds112 commented 5 years ago

Woops seems the screen grab failed, 1 sec. Edit: Added

tom472 commented 5 years ago

Can you add a screenshot from Portainer so I can check something? Open Portainer - Go to Containers - then click on Delugevpn and take a screenshot of the "Volumes" section. It will be near the bottom.

Zeds112 commented 5 years ago

Sorry was snoozing. Here: image

tom472 commented 5 years ago

OK let's see if any of those mappings working?

Can you run this: $ docker exec -it delugevpn /bin/sh -c "touch /config/test_config_mount.txt" Do you end up with a file called test_config_mount.txt in your host /home/zeds/Doumnets/mediabox/delugevpn/config folder?

And then try: $ docker exec -it delugevpn /bin/sh -c "touch /data/test_data_mount.txt" And does that make a file called test_data_mount.txt in your host /media/mount/MediaBox/MediaBoxDownloads folder?

Zeds112 commented 5 years ago

Yes both of those work correctly.

tom472 commented 5 years ago

OK let's check the core.conf file can you run these and paste the output?

From the medisbox folder: $ cat delugevpn/config/core.conf | grep "download_location" and $ cat delugevpn/config/core.conf | grep "move_completed_path"

Zeds112 commented 5 years ago

Oddly it seems Sonarr also checks in its container /home/nobody/Downloads folder instead of /media/mount/MediaBox/MediaBoxDownloads/completed

If I add the following to the Sonarr and Deluge sections of the docker-compose.yml then then things seem to start working more correctly:

- '/media/mount/MediaBox/DelugeDownloads:/home/nobody/Downloads'

Ok I'll try that.

Zeds112 commented 5 years ago

Here is the output:

zeds@zeds-N:~/Documents/mediabox$ cat delugevpn/config/core.conf | grep "download_location"
    "download_location": "/home/nobody/Downloads",
    "download_location_paths_list": [],
zeds@zeds-N:~/Documents/mediabox$ cat delugevpn/config/core.conf | grep "move_completed_path"
    "move_completed_path": "/home/nobody/Downloads",
    "move_completed_paths_list": [],
tom472 commented 5 years ago

OK - there's our problem -- And this one looks like it's on me. I guess I don't have steps for setting the locations in the Deluge WebUI.

Can you go into the Deluge WebUI and set the "Download to" entry to /data/incomplete And set "Move completed" to /data/completed

Zeds112 commented 5 years ago

Thanks that seems to be working. Do I need to change anything for Sonarr?

Zeds112 commented 5 years ago

'No' is the answer it seems - Sonarr was just taking a few mins to detect my test file had finished.

Seems all is in order but will post if anything unusual happens. Thanks!

tom472 commented 5 years ago

Really sorry about that - I am going to decide this weekend if I want to just make the change via the script -or- add it to the directions/configs page.

Thanks for hanging in while trying to figure this out. --Tom