tom5454 / Create-Ore-Excavation

Extract resources using machines powered by Rotational Force
MIT License
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Blacklist discovered chunks from future discovery? #90

Closed wrincewind closed 3 months ago

wrincewind commented 6 months ago

I'm having real difficulty finding nearby Ore Chunks, and I think that having already-discovered chunks be ignored would help a lot with this.

Right now if you want to find a new chunk, you have to pick a random direction and walk away from the current chunk, and just hope that you're heading vaguely towards a new resource point, but you won't know for certain until you're past the halfway point between the two - and if there's an ore chunk off to one side of your path, you might pass by it entirely and not notice.

Possibly if there was a craftable book that kept itself updated with coordinates of discovered chunks, as an in-mod backup to the existing journeymap support?