tom5454 / Create-Ore-Excavation

Extract resources using machines powered by Rotational Force
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Fatal (very weird) error kubejs #97

Closed KEJWII closed 2 weeks ago

KEJWII commented 3 months ago

During my coding I started to finish I checked with every progress if everything works

And at the end when I thought it was all Suddenly such a mistake appeared Base Profile Screenshot 2024 05 28 - 23 35 00 37 Base Profile Screenshot 2024 05 28 - 23 35 26 28 Desktop Screenshot 2024 05 28 - 23 38 04 85

I also feel that it may be related to Morejs which I installed after that I removed it and the problem still occurs I changed to the previous version of Kubejs and it doesn't work either

tom5454 commented 3 months ago

Check line 156 in your js file. You may have removed a mod, or using an invalid item id.

KEJWII commented 3 months ago

You're right today (when I write) I checked in turn And it turned out that instead Modern_industrialization:monazite_ore I wrote Techreborn:monazite_ore

In any case, I have already solved the problem and everything is already working

But I don't think I understood this displayed error because something about wrote (event => { or Createoreexcavation.vein

and I didn't understand what's going on