on main branch(799f3fe244609d4699109a42956bf1ab97778e6c) (version with reusable workers)
When no network interface set:
runs for both1d and 2d values
if 1d value is commented out, test with 2d value hangs
When virtual network interfaces are exluded or single network interface set:
runs for both 1d and 2d values
on #38 (removes reusable workers)
When no network interface set:
runs for 1d value, but fails for 2d (1d value is not commented out)
When virtual network interfaces are exluded or single network interface set:
runs for both 1d and 2d values
We think that removing the reusable workers reveals a hidden bug. However it is still unclear why virtual network interfaces prevent it from working in the case the test mpi workers are running on the local machine.
Inconsistent behavior in test_stopping_criterion.
on main branch(799f3fe244609d4699109a42956bf1ab97778e6c) (version with reusable workers)
When no network interface set:
When virtual network interfaces are exluded or single network interface set:
on #38 (removes reusable workers)
When no network interface set:
When virtual network interfaces are exluded or single network interface set:
We think that removing the reusable workers reveals a hidden bug. However it is still unclear why virtual network interfaces prevent it from working in the case the test mpi workers are running on the local machine.