tomMoulard / fail2ban

Traefik plugin on fail2ban middleware
MIT License
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fail2ban not releasing ban after expiration #34

Closed pittbull closed 3 years ago

pittbull commented 3 years ago

I seem to have an issue where fail2ban reactives a previous ban on an ip when the same ip tries to access the site after ban expires.


          ip = [""]
          action = ""
          actionAbuseipdb = ""
          backend = ""
          banaction = ""
          banactionAllports = ""
          bantime = "1m"
          chain = ""
          destemail = ""
          enabled = true
          fail2banAgent = ""
          filter = ""
          findtime = "1m"
          ignorecommand = ""
          logencoding = "UTF-8"
          maxretry = 4
          mode = ""
          mta = ""
          ports = "0:8000"
          protocol = ""
          sender = ""
          urlregexp = ""
          usedns = ""
          ip = ["::1", "", "", ""]

static config:

      - --pilot.token=<redacted>
      - --experimental.plugins.fail2ban.version=v0.6.0

service config: - "traefik.http.routers.authelia-rtr.middlewares=my-fail2ban@file,chain-no-auth@file"

Traefik log after restart:

Fail2Ban_config: 2021/04/05 08:57:45 restricted.go:51: Whitelisted: '::1/128'
Fail2Ban_config: 2021/04/05 08:57:45 restricted.go:51: Whitelisted: ''
Fail2Ban_config: 2021/04/05 08:57:45 restricted.go:51: Whitelisted: ''
Fail2Ban_config: 2021/04/05 08:57:45 restricted.go:51: Whitelisted: ''
Fail2Ban_config: 2021/04/05 08:57:45 restricted.go:51: Bantime: 1m0s
Fail2Ban_config: 2021/04/05 08:57:45 restricted.go:51: Findtime: 1m0s
Fail2Ban_config: 2021/04/05 08:57:45 restricted.go:51: Ports range from 0 to 8000
Fail2Ban_config: 2021/04/05 08:57:45 restricted.go:51: FailToBan Rules : '{Xbantime:1m0s Xfindtime:1m0s Xurlregexp:[] Xmaxretry:4 Xenabled:true Xports:[0 8000]}'
Fail2Ban: 2021/04/05 08:57:45 restricted.go:52: Plugin: FailToBan is up and running

Triggering ban:

Fail2Ban: 2021/04/05 09:03:17 restricted.go:52: <external client ip> is in blacklist mode
Fail2Ban: 2021/04/05 09:03:21 restricted.go:52: <external client ip> is in blacklist mode
Fail2Ban: 2021/04/05 09:03:25 restricted.go:52: <external client ip> is in blacklist mode

Then waiting until bantime expires:

1 Fail2Ban: 2021/04/05 09:05:20 restricted.go:52: <external client ip> is now back in whitelist mode
2 Fail2Ban: 2021/04/05 09:05:33 restricted.go:52: <external client ip> is in blacklist mode
3 Fail2Ban: 2021/04/05 09:05:54 restricted.go:52: <external client ip> is in blacklist mode

When accessing Authelia after bantime expires (line 1) fail2ban correctly notifies that ip is back in whitelist mode. However, a new request (line 2) puts the client back in fail2ban mode. This does not seem right and I wonder where I have blundered in my setup?

a-schaefers commented 3 years ago

Likely related to

where I experience similar behavior in a different context, I'm getting banned no matter what my regexpurl is set to, and it unbans after a minute, but then with any page reload, bans again.

pittbull commented 3 years ago

Likely related to #23 (comment)

where I experience similar behavior in a different context, I'm getting banned no matter what my regexpurl is set to, and it unbans after a minute, but then with any page reload, bans again.

I agree that the ban should be lifted when bantime has passed so something is wrong, but isn't the nature of Fail2ban that a specific ip is blocked regardless of url it tries to access? My understanding is that a firewall (iptables and similar) is used and thereby blocking the ip specifically?

cledavid commented 3 years ago

Hello ! We are looking on the problem ! It can take some time so please don't mind the lapse of time. For what I can see in the source code, the ban should be released after the minute that you specified in the configuration.

When a ip is banned, it is banned on all the domain that are registered with fail2ban so trying to access localhost:8000/one or localhost:8000/two after being banned will only reset the banning time. We are using a table of ip with the time of their first call and a number of try. If the number of try is more than the treshold, the ip is banned. If time of the call - time of first time of calls >= findtime, the ip is debanned and should be able to access the url.

We are going to make 2 releases in the upcoming weeks :

Thoses releases will help to at least debug your problem and if the problem lie in regexp it could be resolved like that ! We'll back soon with more solution so wait for us 😉 Clement

pittbull commented 3 years ago

Looking forward to your updates.

Met me know if you need any debug information.

cledavid commented 3 years ago


We released two new versions of fail2ban : 0.6.1 & 0.6.2. 0.6.1 include an upgrade of regexp 0.6.2 add more logs You can upgrade your version of fail2ban and check if you're still experiencing your problems, you'll have to change a bit your rules but everything is in the README.


pittbull commented 3 years ago

How would this config look in my .toml file?

tomMoulard commented 3 years ago

pittbull commented 3 years ago


Updated now but situation is still the same: fail2ban basically just banning when I access my site for no specific reason. 🤷🏼‍♂️

tomMoulard commented 3 years ago

Can you produce a reproducible case ?

for no specific reason

Is not enough for me do to do something about it.

pittbull commented 3 years ago


        logLevel= "INFO"
          bantime= "10s"
          enabled= true
          findtime= "60m"
          maxretry= 3
          ports= "80:443"

         ip = ["::1", "", ""]


INFO: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:15:33 restricted.go:51: Whitelisted: '::1/128'
INFO: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:15:33 restricted.go:51: Whitelisted: ''
INFO: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:15:33 restricted.go:51: Whitelisted: ''
INFO: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:15:33 restricted.go:51: Bantime: 10s
INFO: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:15:33 restricted.go:51: Findtime: 1h0m0s
INFO: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:15:33 restricted.go:51: Ports range from 80 to 443
INFO: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:15:33 restricted.go:51: FailToBan Rules : '{Xbantime:10s Xfindtime:1h0m0s XurlregexpAllow:[] XurlregexpBan:[] Xmaxretry:3 Xenabled:true Xports:[80 443]}'
INFO: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:15:33 restricted.go:52: Plugin: FailToBan is up and running

Debug log:

DEBUG: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:19:21 restricted.go:51: New request: &{GET / HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Accept:[text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8] Accept-Encoding:[gzip] Accept-Language:[en-us] Cdn-Loop:[cloudflare] Cf-Connecting-Ip:[2a02:2121:30c:fc3f:ad2e:cbcb:b8f3:d799] Cf-Ipcountry:[NO] Cf-Ray:[64b32fb7b9d60b6b-AMS] Cf-Request-Id:[09e3dc26d400000b6bf11bb000000001] Cf-Visitor:[{"scheme":"https"}] Connection:[Keep-Alive] Cookie:[authelia_session=vpjQsqHJtyMZtqUYWKpTQfeHuGrXrGpq; __cfduid=d4bcb3ac6988160f0689ba91f129051061620310071] User-Agent:[Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1] X-Forwarded-For:[2a02:2121:30c:fc3f:ad2e:cbcb:b8f3:d799] X-Forwarded-Host:[<mysite>] X-Forwarded-Port:[443] X-Forwarded-Proto:[https] X-Forwarded-Server:[a4aa097bf2e3] X-Real-Ip:[]] 0xc001606600 <nil> 0 [] false <mysite> map[] map[] <nil> map[] / 0xc00140a000 <nil> <nil> 0xc000f06300}
DEBUG: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:19:21 restricted.go:52: is no longer banned
DEBUG: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:19:21 restricted.go:51: New request: &{GET /web/index.html HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Accept:[text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8] Accept-Encoding:[gzip] Accept-Language:[en-us] Cdn-Loop:[cloudflare] Cf-Connecting-Ip:[2a02:2121:30c:fc3f:ad2e:cbcb:b8f3:d799] Cf-Ipcountry:[NO] Cf-Ray:[64b32fb8bbad0b6b-AMS] Cf-Request-Id:[09e3dc277100000b6b140f6000000001] Cf-Visitor:[{"scheme":"https"}] Connection:[Keep-Alive] Cookie:[authelia_session=vpjQsqHJtyMZtqUYWKpTQfeHuGrXrGpq; __cfduid=d4bcb3ac6988160f0689ba91f129051061620310071] Referer:[https:// <mysite>/] User-Agent:[Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1] X-Forwarded-For:[2a02:2121:30c:fc3f:ad2e:cbcb:b8f3:d799] X-Forwarded-Host:[ <mysite>] X-Forwarded-Port:[443] X-Forwarded-Proto:[https] X-Forwarded-Server:[a4aa097bf2e3] X-Real-Ip:[]] 0xc000ce44b0 <nil> 0 [] false  <mysite> map[] map[] <nil> map[] /web/index.html 0xc00064ea50 <nil> <nil> 0xc000ecb9b0}
DEBUG: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:19:21 restricted.go:51: welcome back for the 2 time
DEBUG: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:19:22 restricted.go:51: New request: &{GET /web/translations/en.json HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Accept:[application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01] Accept-Encoding:[gzip] Accept-Language:[en-us] Cdn-Loop:[cloudflare] Cf-Connecting-Ip:[2a02:2121:30c:fc3f:ad2e:cbcb:b8f3:d799] Cf-Ipcountry:[NO] Cf-Ray:[64b32fba5e720b6b-AMS] Cf-Request-Id:[09e3dc287800000b6bc7971000000001] Cf-Visitor:[{"scheme":"https"}] Connection:[Keep-Alive] Cookie:[authelia_session=vpjQsqHJtyMZtqUYWKpTQfeHuGrXrGpq; __cfduid=d4bcb3ac6988160f0689ba91f129051061620310071] Referer:[https:// <mysite>/web/index.html] User-Agent:[Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1] X-Forwarded-For:[2a02:2121:30c:fc3f:ad2e:cbcb:b8f3:d799] X-Forwarded-Host:[ <mysite>] X-Forwarded-Port:[443] X-Forwarded-Proto:[https] X-Forwarded-Server:[a4aa097bf2e3] X-Real-Ip:[] X-Requested-With:[XMLHttpRequest]] 0xc00194e618 <nil> 0 [] false  <mysite> map[] map[] <nil> map[] /web/translations/en.json 0xc0017e4000 <nil> <nil> 0xc000546e10}
DEBUG: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:19:22 restricted.go:52: is now banned temporarily
DEBUG: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:19:22 restricted.go:51: New request: &{GET /media/providers?X-Plex-Product=Plex%20Web&X-Plex-Version=4.54.5&X-Plex-Client-Identifier=a3c11yljb5j8p0g74iucl5ww&X-Plex-Platform=Safari&X-Plex-Platform-Version=605.1&X-Plex-Sync-Version=2&X-Plex-Features=external-media%2Cindirect-media&X-Plex-Model=bundled&X-Plex-Device=iOS&X-Plex-Device-Name=Safari&X-Plex-Device-Screen-Resolution=980x1669%2C390x844&X-Plex-Token=52sp_sdeytDjRKtTf66q&X-Plex-Language=en HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Accept:[application/json] Accept-Encoding:[gzip] Accept-Language:[en] Cdn-Loop:[cloudflare] Cf-Connecting-Ip:[2a02:2121:30c:fc3f:ad2e:cbcb:b8f3:d799] Cf-Ipcountry:[NO] Cf-Ray:[64b32fbc5a2b0b6b-AMS] Cf-Request-Id:[09e3dc29ba00000b6bd7892000000001] Cf-Visitor:[{"scheme":"https"}] Connection:[Keep-Alive] Cookie:[authelia_session=vpjQsqHJtyMZtqUYWKpTQfeHuGrXrGpq; __cfduid=d4bcb3ac6988160f0689ba91f129051061620310071] Referer:[https:// <mysite>/web/index.html] User-Agent:[Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1] X-Forwarded-For:[2a02:2121:30c:fc3f:ad2e:cbcb:b8f3:d799] X-Forwarded-Host:[ <mysite>] X-Forwarded-Port:[443] X-Forwarded-Proto:[https] X-Forwarded-Server:[a4aa097bf2e3] X-Real-Ip:[] X-Requested-With:[XMLHttpRequest]] 0xc0016070c8 <nil> 0 [] false  <mysite> map[] map[] <nil> map[] /media/providers?X-Plex-Product=Plex%20Web&X-Plex-Version=4.54.5&X-Plex-Client-Identifier=a3c11yljb5j8p0g74iucl5ww&X-Plex-Platform=Safari&X-Plex-Platform-Version=605.1&X-Plex-Sync-Version=2&X-Plex-Features=external-media%2Cindirect-media&X-Plex-Model=bundled&X-Plex-Device=iOS&X-Plex-Device-Name=Safari&X-Plex-Device-Screen-Resolution=980x1669%2C390x844&X-Plex-Token=52sp_sdeytDjRKtTf66q&X-Plex-Language=en 0xc00064ea50 <nil> <nil> 0xc000f07650}
DEBUG: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:19:22 restricted.go:51: is still banned since 2021-05-06T17:19:22+02:00, 4 request
DEBUG: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:19:22 restricted.go:51: New request: &{GET /media/providers?X-Plex-Product=Plex%20Web&X-Plex-Version=4.54.5&X-Plex-Client-Identifier=a3c11yljb5j8p0g74iucl5ww&X-Plex-Platform=Safari&X-Plex-Platform-Version=605.1&X-Plex-Sync-Version=2&X-Plex-Features=external-media%2Cindirect-media&X-Plex-Model=bundled&X-Plex-Device=iOS&X-Plex-Device-Name=Safari&X-Plex-Device-Screen-Resolution=980x1669%2C390x844&X-Plex-Language=en HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Accept:[application/json] Accept-Encoding:[gzip] Accept-Language:[en] Cdn-Loop:[cloudflare] Cf-Connecting-Ip:[2a02:2121:30c:fc3f:ad2e:cbcb:b8f3:d799] Cf-Ipcountry:[NO] Cf-Ray:[64b32fbc6a4a0b6b-AMS] Cf-Request-Id:[09e3dc29c400000b6b16068000000001] Cf-Visitor:[{"scheme":"https"}] Connection:[Keep-Alive] Cookie:[authelia_session=vpjQsqHJtyMZtqUYWKpTQfeHuGrXrGpq; __cfduid=d4bcb3ac6988160f0689ba91f129051061620310071] Referer:[https:// <mysite>/web/index.html] User-Agent:[Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1] X-Forwarded-For:[2a02:2121:30c:fc3f:ad2e:cbcb:b8f3:d799] X-Forwarded-Host:[ <mysite>] X-Forwarded-Port:[443] X-Forwarded-Proto:[https] X-Forwarded-Server:[a4aa097bf2e3] X-Real-Ip:[] X-Requested-With:[XMLHttpRequest]] 0xc0008b40d8 <nil> 0 [] false  <mysite> map[] map[] <nil> map[] /media/providers?X-Plex-Product=Plex%20Web&X-Plex-Version=4.54.5&X-Plex-Client-Identifier=a3c11yljb5j8p0g74iucl5ww&X-Plex-Platform=Safari&X-Plex-Platform-Version=605.1&X-Plex-Sync-Version=2&X-Plex-Features=external-media%2Cindirect-media&X-Plex-Model=bundled&X-Plex-Device=iOS&X-Plex-Device-Name=Safari&X-Plex-Device-Screen-Resolution=980x1669%2C390x844&X-Plex-Language=en 0xc00064ec60 <nil> <nil> 0xc000f062a0}
DEBUG: Fail2Ban: 2021/05/06 17:19:22 restricted.go:51: is still banned since 2021-05-06T17:19:22+02:00, 5 request
tomMoulard commented 3 years ago is not in ["::1", "", ""], so it works as expected

pittbull commented 3 years ago

Does that mean that the implementation of the fail2ban module is to ban all ip's not whitelisted? Because that is not what I expected based on my experience with it's namesake program.

tomMoulard commented 3 years ago

Here's the doc on how regexp works.

Feel free to open a pr that could enhance either the doc or the regexp (and the plugin) behaviour.

I will close this issue as it seems that you are asking us to build your configuration. But don't hesitate to ask your issue about it on the Traefik community forum.