tomMoulard / fail2ban

Traefik plugin on fail2ban middleware
MIT License
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Dynamically block IP addresses from external sources #39

Open smshr opened 2 years ago

smshr commented 2 years ago

I couldn't find it in the documentation on how to read logs (in my case authelia logs) to block IP addresses. What is the equivalent of jail.d, action.d and filter.d fail2ban directories in this plugin?

I want to read authelia logs and block the IP addresses that fail to login for n number of times. I think this is doable by running a dedicated fail2ban container, but I noticed this plugin and it looked like a better alternative.

tomMoulard commented 2 years ago

Hello @smshr,

Thanks for your interest in this Traefik plugin !

Unfortunately, there is no current support for this feature :/

I'm adding the label kind/enhancement for anyone willing to develop this feature :)

smshr commented 2 years ago

The name of this plugin suggests that this is related to or an implementation of fail2ban/fail2ban. However it seems that this plugin is neither of those.

Use of name fail2ban, another popular project, is very confusing here.

tomMoulard commented 2 years ago

This plugin aims to be an implementation of the fail2ban mechanism as a Traefik plugin. Thus, it is related to the fail2ban/fail2ban project.

Unfortunately, both the plugin mechanism of Traefik and this project are very young. So, there is still a long road to develop all fail2ban's features (as the label kind/enhancement suggest).

Feel free to do PRs to add features you lack ! :rocket: