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Library Services #19

Closed tomadams closed 3 years ago

tomadams commented 3 years ago

Similar to the Library Resources page: title and h1 Services => Library Services Photo for buttons are emailed.

Buttons in the following order:

Interlibrary Loan Getting Started Remote Access Library Help

Public Access Compliance Data Management Planning Science Informationists Citation Software

Study Spaces Meeting Rooms Training Workshops Online Training

Printing & Scanning Thesis Binding 24-hour Self-Checkout

srunkows commented 3 years ago

I started working on this page, but I think I'm missing a few images, specifically: printing & scanning thesis binding 24-hr self checkout

Also, not sure where some of these boxes need to link to.

tomadams commented 3 years ago

I just send you via email a few more images. Please add "3D Printing" after the "Printing & Scanning" button. Still owe you the "thesis binding" image.

The unlinked boxes will go to their own pages.

I was thinking that for those pages, the breadcrumb and h1 would go into the 2/3 column on the left and the same image that is used on the button, would go into a 1/3 column on the right. The text body of the page would be a full with column below.

srunkows commented 3 years ago

The templates for all pages have the H1 heading and breadcrumbs in full width rows and will not be changed. The content below these rows is where you can set up different column widths.

tomadams commented 3 years ago

Can we have the image in the top right of the main body of the text, with text wrapping around?

The tab section currently under all of the buttons, should be split into their individual pages, with the corresponding icon shown. The tabbed section should be eliminated, after they are copied to their individual pages.

tomadams commented 3 years ago

Text at Top:

Our science informationists and librarians are available to assist your research, whether you need to research a particular topic, obtain an article or book by interlibrary loan, make color copies, or use any of the other services listed below.

tomadams commented 3 years ago

The first button "Interlibrary Loan", should go to the "", which is the existing ILL help page. However, we want to modify that page. The first tab "Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad)" material is to be moved to the top of the page, with the ILL image on the top right. The page name should be "Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad)"

The external link to ILLiad, needs to be made prominent, as a blue button.

The last 3 tabs (and their content) will appear at the bottom of the page.

The "Getting Started" button on the services page, should be renamed "Orientation / Getting Started", this should point to it's own unique page and not the ILL help. (Content will follow.)

tomadams commented 3 years ago

Library Help image should go to about/contact

tomadams commented 3 years ago

Emailed thesis-binding graphic.

srunkows commented 3 years ago

Can we have the image in the top right of the main body of the text, with text wrapping around?

The tab section currently under all of the buttons, should be split into their individual pages, with the corresponding icon shown. The tabbed section should be eliminated, after they are copied to their individual pages.

What do you want to do with the content in the first tab 'All' It's just a bulleted list of available services. I've moved it up above the boxes with the new intro text but it may be redundant with the boxes.

srunkows commented 3 years ago

The first button "Interlibrary Loan", should go to the "", which is the existing ILL help page. However, we want to modify that page. The first tab "Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad)" material is to be moved to the top of the page, with the ILL image on the top right. The page name should be "Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad)"

The external link to ILLiad, needs to be made prominent, as a blue button.

The last 3 tabs (and their content) will appear at the bottom of the page.

The "Getting Started" button on the services page, should be renamed "Orientation / Getting Started", this should point to it's own unique page and not the ILL help. (Content will follow.)

These changes are done. Please review

tomadams commented 3 years ago

Liked the bulleted list of text move to the top of services. I will edit it down a little, when I get write access. In the mean time, can you remove: Specific articles (papers, ebooks, echapters, etc.) and merge the two reserve entries into: Reserve a meeting room or study space.

srunkows commented 3 years ago

These updates are done and ready for review.

tomadams commented 3 years ago

Please link the following buttons:

Public Access - Data Management - Citation Software -

srunkows commented 3 years ago

These links have been added and are ready for review.

tomadams commented 3 years ago

online-training-2 and meeting-rooms-2 both have a "-2" at the end of the page. Please eliminate that from the page URL.

Please create page for Science Informationist, with graphic from button on top-right of page text. (Content to follow).

srunkows commented 3 years ago

This is because Wordpress needs a unique name for each piece of content to create a link. I think since there are images that have been 'published' with the same name as the pages which were published after the image, is what's causing the pages to be appended with the number 2. I will try changing the name of the image files to see if this will correct it. If not, I'll make sure that this doesn't happen on production. This is one thing about Wordpress that is a little fussy. Everything needs a unique name including images. I'll update you after I try renaming the images.

ok, I just renamed the online-training.jpg image and can now update the URL and remove the -2 from it.

I will do the same for the meeting rooms page/image.

srunkows commented 3 years ago

tomadams commented 3 years ago

Please change the title, URL and graphic icon name from "Data Management Planning" to simply "Data Management".

srunkows commented 3 years ago

Done and ready for review

tomadams commented 3 years ago

Looks good.

Will create new issue for Orientation and Informationist, that I need to provide content for

tomadams commented 3 years ago

Please rename "Citation Software" icon to "Reference Management".

We want to shorten the bulleted list. Please only include:

Creating/updating your faculty profile
Problems accessing online journals
Locating incomplete/incorrect citations
Searches for articles on specific topics
Setup alerts (PubMed, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Scopus)
Reference Management (EndNote, Mendeley, Papers, etc.)
Reserve a meeting room or study space
Questions about NIH public access policy
Persistent Digital Identifiers (ORCID, DOI, etc.) 
PMCIDs/submitting papers to PMC

We would like to reorder the icons:

Orientation Library Help Science Informationists Public Access Compliance Interlibrary Loan Data Management Reference Management (previously listed as Citation Software) Remote Access Workshops Online Training Study Spaces Meeting Rooms Thesis Binding 24-Hour Self-Checkout Printing & Scanning 3D Printing

srunkows commented 3 years ago

Please rename "Citation Software" icon to "Reference Management".

We want to shorten the bulleted list. Please only include:

Creating/updating your faculty profile
Problems accessing online journals
Locating incomplete/incorrect citations
Searches for articles on specific topics
Setup alerts (PubMed, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Scopus)
Reference Management (EndNote, Mendeley, Papers, etc.)
Reserve a meeting room or study space
Questions about NIH public access policy
Persistent Digital Identifiers (ORCID, DOI, etc.) 
PMCIDs/submitting papers to PMC

We would like to reorder the icons:

Orientation Library Help Science Informationists Public Access Compliance Interlibrary Loan Data Management Reference Management (previously listed as Citation Software) Remote Access Workshops Online Training Study Spaces Meeting Rooms Thesis Binding 24-Hour Self-Checkout Printing & Scanning 3D Printing

These updates are complete and ready for review.

tomadams commented 3 years ago

Looks great.

Can you change the following page URL: remote-access-vpn => remote-access datamanagementCSHL => data-management

srunkows commented 3 years ago

Can you change the following page URL: remote-access-vpn => remote-access datamanagementCSHL => data-management

Remote Access url has been updated.

I do not have access to update URLs on where the data management page lives.

tomadams commented 3 years ago
