Open khamryn opened 8 years ago
Unhide from icon via command line? Doesn't simply running "tomahawk" again from console acquire just this?
No, because Tomahawk is still actually running, its just "hidden", running "tomahawk" again will not unhide it or run another instance. It will display this message on the console while tomahawk GUI is hidden and icon is in the system tray.
"Tomahawk is already running, shutting down."
yeah, but it should bring the running instance to the front. Meh.
Thanks for all work. I pulled and built from the current git branch. The hidden icon issue I had experienced is fixed.
just FYI on gentoo id recommend just unmasking 9999 and emerging that instead of building manually
That's exactly what I did. thank.
Im currently on Gentoo Linux and installed Tomahawk 0.8.4. Tomahawk seems to works fine, however there seams to be a issues with tint2 or openbox once the application is hidden. When I left click on Tomahawk Icon on Tint2 system tray, the menubox will hide and I can not longer access it. Music will continue to play and I still have middle and right click functions, but I cannot unhide it by left click. I must quit the application ether by kill process or right click -> quit on the icon.
If testing this is too much for a small demography (openbox/tint2), can I request a unhide option via command-line for future versions or right-click --> unhide from icon. Thank you.