tomahawk-player / tomahawk

Tomahawk, the multi-source music player
GNU General Public License v3.0
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subsonic shows right results in log + browsing works, but no search hits and song doesn't play #488

Open unhammer opened 8 years ago

unhammer commented 8 years ago

I don't get any subsonic search results in the UI, even though the log shows things like "84 results" and the url from the logs also shows what seems like the right json

I can browse the subsonic "cloud" collection, but if I click play on a song, it's as if it's just paused / forever loading. But if I click the url shown in the log, it opens in my browser and plays just fine.

I'm using the default subsonic https cert, so there are some redirects involved, first from to my IP:9988, then from IP:9988 to IP:8443 with ssl. So I tried putting https://IP:8443 in the url field, but had the exact same results.

log right after clicking a song:

09:48:29 [5]: void AudioEngine::playItem(Tomahawk::playlistinterface_ptr, const result_ptr&, const query_ptr&) "" 
09:48:29 [5]: void AudioEngine::loadTrack(const result_ptr&) "" 
09:48:29 [1]: void AudioControls::onControlStateChanged() 
09:48:29 [1]: virtual void PlayableProxyModel::setCurrentIndex(const QModelIndex&) 
09:48:29 [5]: void AudioEngine::performLoadTrack(Tomahawk::result_ptr, QString, QSharedPointer<QIODevice>) "" 
09:48:29 [0]: Starting new song: "" 
09:48:29 [1]: void AudioControls::onControlStateChanged() 
09:48:29 [5]: bool AudioEngine::canGoNext() Catch up, but same track or can't move on because don't have next track or it wasn't resolved 
09:48:29 [1]: void AudioEngine::onNowPlayingInfoReady(Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoType) Saving cover image to: "/tmp/16 Horsepower_Hoarse_tomahawk_cover.png.r10277" 
09:48:30 [0]: "/home/me/.local/share/Tomahawk/atticaresolvers/subsonic/contents/code/subsonic.js" : "1 results returned." 

Running 0.8.4+dfsg1-0ubuntu1 on Xubuntu Xenial.

muesli commented 8 years ago

Wrt playback: make sure you install phonon-backend-vlc and remove all other phonon-backend-* packages on your system. Every single one but the vlc one is broken & unmaintained and shouldn't even be shipped by Ubuntu anymore.

unhammer commented 8 years ago

I had phonon-backend-vlc already. After removing phonon-backend-gstreamer and phonon-backend-gstreamer-common I get

[00007f8bcc00f4e8] core stream error: cannot pre fill buffer
13:51:10 [1]: void AudioEngine::stop(AudioEngine::AudioErrorCode) 3 false 
13:51:10 [5]: void AudioControls::onPlaybackStopped() 
13:51:10 [1]: void AudioControls::onControlStateChanged() 
13:51:10 [1]: Phonon Error: ""  Phonon::NormalError  
13:51:10 [0]: "Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed." 
13:51:10 [5]: void AudioEngine::play() 
13:51:10 [5]: void AudioEngine::next() 

But the UI now tells me it can't play and mentions phonon :-)

Tracks from soundcloud or my local collection still play fine.

muesli commented 8 years ago

Now that sounds as if you've just removed all phonon backends. Can you confirm phonon-backend-vlc is still installed?

Edit: Sorry, overlooked the comments below your paste. Can you also paste a bunch more lines above the "core stream error"?

unhammer commented 8 years ago
$ dpkg -l 'phonon-backend-*'
Ønsket=Ukjent/Installer/Fjern/Rens ut/Hold tilbake
| Status=Ikke/Inst/Oppsettsfiler/Ikke pakket ut/HalvT-satt-opp/Halvt-inst/Ut-ventende
|/ Feil?=(ingen)/Må inst. på nytt (Status,Feil: versalar=dumt)
||/ Namn                         Versjon             Architecture        Skildring
un  phonon-backend-gstreamer     <none>              <none>              (inga skildring tilgjengeleg)
un  phonon-backend-mplayer       <none>              <none>              (inga skildring tilgjengeleg)
ii  phonon-backend-vlc:amd64     0.8.2-1ubuntu3      amd64               Phonon VLC backend
un  phonon-backend-xine          <none>              <none>              (inga skildring tilgjengeleg)

Here are the lines from immediately after I click "play" on a song that I've browsed to under "Cloud Collections // Subsonic":

15:00:59 [5]: void AudioEngine::playItem(Tomahawk::playlistinterface_ptr, const result_ptr&, const query_ptr&) "https://redacted:8443/rest/stream.view?u=me&p=redacted&v=1.8.0&c=tomahawk&f=json&id=4044" 
15:00:59 [5]: void AudioEngine::loadTrack(const result_ptr&) "https://redacted:8443/rest/stream.view?u=me&p=redacted&v=1.8.0&c=tomahawk&f=json&id=4044" 
15:00:59 [5]: void AudioEngine::performLoadIODevice(const result_ptr&, const QString&) "https://redacted:8443/rest/stream.view?u=me&p=redacted&v=1.8.0&c=tomahawk&f=json&id=4044" 
15:00:59 [0]: void HttpIODeviceReadyHandler::called() QNetworkReplyImpl(0x450bde0) 
15:00:59 [5]: void AudioEngine::performLoadTrack(Tomahawk::result_ptr, QString, QSharedPointer<QIODevice>) "https://redacted:8443/rest/stream.view?u=me&p=redacted&v=1.8.0&c=tomahawk&f=json&id=4044" 
15:00:59 [0]: Starting new song: "https://redacted:8443/rest/stream.view?u=me&p=redacted&v=1.8.0&c=tomahawk&f=json&id=4044" 
15:00:59 [1]: void AudioControls::onControlStateChanged() 
15:00:59 [1]: void AudioEngine::onNowPlayingInfoReady(Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoType) Saving cover image to: "/tmp/16 Horsepower_Hoarse_tomahawk_cover.png.X30411" 
[00007fc3c8036c58] core stream error: cannot pre fill buffer
15:00:59 [1]: void AudioEngine::stop(AudioEngine::AudioErrorCode) 3 false 
15:00:59 [5]: void AudioControls::onPlaybackStopped() 
15:00:59 [1]: void AudioControls::onControlStateChanged() 
15:00:59 [1]: Phonon Error: ""  Phonon::NormalError  
15:00:59 [0]: "Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed." 
15:00:59 [5]: void AudioEngine::play() 
15:00:59 [5]: void AudioEngine::next() 
15:01:00 [0]: "/home/me/.local/share/Tomahawk/atticaresolvers/subsonic/contents/code/subsonic.js" : "1 results returned." 
unhammer commented 8 years ago

If I set it to the address (which redirects to IP:9988 which redirects to IP:8443), I get a cert error:

15:04:17 [5]: void AudioEngine::playItem(Tomahawk::playlistinterface_ptr, const result_ptr&, const query_ptr&) "" 
15:04:17 [5]: void AudioEngine::loadTrack(const result_ptr&) "" 
15:04:17 [5]: void AudioEngine::performLoadTrack(Tomahawk::result_ptr, QString, QSharedPointer<QIODevice>) "" 
15:04:17 [0]: Starting new song: "" 
15:04:17 [1]: void AudioControls::onControlStateChanged() 
15:04:17 [1]: void AudioEngine::onNowPlayingInfoReady(Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoType) Saving cover image to: "/tmp/16 Horsepower_Hoarse_tomahawk_cover.png.C30930" 
15:04:18 [0]: void Tomahawk::InfoSystem::LastFmInfoPlugin::coverArtReturned() Null byte array for cover of "David J (official)" "" 
[00007fc98c53f458] gnutls tls session error: Certificate verification failure (0x0042)
[00007fc98c53f458] gnutls tls session error:  * Certificate not verified
[00007fc98c53f458] gnutls tls session error:  * Signer not found
[00007fc98c53f458] core tls session error: TLS client session handshake error
[00007fc98c054048] http access error: cannot establish HTTP/TLS session
[00007fc98c054048] access_mms access error: invalid HTTP reply ''
[0000000001113f38] core input error: open of `' failed
[0000000001113f38] core input error: Klarer ikkje opna inndataa dine
[0000000001113f38] core input error: VLC klarer ikkje opna MRL-en «». Sjå loggen for detaljar.
15:04:18 [1]: void AudioEngine::stop(AudioEngine::AudioErrorCode) 3 false 
15:04:18 [5]: void AudioControls::onPlaybackStopped() 
15:04:18 [1]: void AudioControls::onControlStateChanged() 
15:04:18 [1]: Phonon Error: ""  Phonon::NormalError  
15:04:18 [0]: "Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed." 
15:04:18 [5]: void AudioEngine::play() 
15:04:18 [5]: void AudioEngine::next()