Closed langston-barrett closed 8 years ago
well, mpd is not a source to stream tracks, its a player. doesn't feel like it fits tbh
@theli-ua Thanks for highlighting that difference!
I think mpd control would be a good feature; it would make tomahawk be a more direct competitor to RoonLabs software.
So I use a raspberry pi with a iqaudio dac for some very high quality audio. This is controlled by the MoodeAudio distribution; basically a web-server acts as a front-end to mpd. Although the web-server runs on the pi; in principle it doesn't have to. I suspect with a bit of tweaking you could control multiple computers.
This raspberry pi can either be used with headphones; or plugged into my amp.
Imagine you have Tomahawk controlling this; you have a front end that allows you to explore your music; and play it back where you like.
@duncanjohnhowe you can stream your audio output over the network to the pi plugged into your amp, with pulseaudio e.g.
I don't see MPD (or Mopidy) on Tomahawk's homepage as a supported source for music. Is there a reason not to have these? It seems like they would fit right in with the other streaming music sources.