tomaka / rouille

Web framework in Rust
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templates using rouille::Response::html(); #172

Open gurugeek opened 6 years ago

gurugeek commented 6 years ago

This might not really be an issue but here it goes: first thanks for writing rouille and providing with some working examples (a rare circumstance for rust framework). I did manage to use forms, connect to the db etc. but after trying for hours I can't figure out how to make a template working I have tried, rustache, handlebars pretty much every package but I can't figure out where I should use the template. Should I use rouille::Response::html(); ? that didn't really work.
Perhaps the example can specify how to use templates or I will be happy to write one as soon I figure this out! thanks

jaemk commented 6 years ago

I personally like to use tera. But whatever template engine you use, you just render your template to a string and then pass that string along to Response::html.

For example, after setting up tera (before starting the server, similar to how the database connection is acquired in the database example),

// compile templates and initialize template engine
let mut templates = compile_templates!("templates/**/*");

usage in a handler would look something like this:

let mut context = tera::Context::new();
context.add("foo", &foo);
context.add("bar", &bar);
let content = templates.render("index.html", &context).expect("render failed");

The only thing Response::html really does it set the appropriate content type for the string you provide.

gurugeek commented 6 years ago

@jaemk thanks for your reply. So just to be sure I got it right how would I use the template in this quick example ` (GET) (/note/{id: i32}) => { // This route returns the content of a note, if it exists.

        // Note that this code is a bit unergonomic, but this is mostly a problem with the
        // database client library and not rouille itself.

        // To do so, we first create a variable that will receive the content of the note.
        let mut content: Option<String> = None;
        // And then perform the query and write to `content`. This line can only panic if the
        // SQL is malformed.
        for row in &db.query("SELECT content FROM notes WHERE id = $1", &[&id]).unwrap() {
            content = Some(row.get(0));

        // If `content` is still empty at this point, this means that the note doesn't
        // exist in the database. Otherwise, we return the content.
        match content {

            Some(content) => Response::text(content),
            None => Response::empty_404(),

or inside a route provided in the examples ?

jaemk commented 6 years ago

If you're interested in using tera, I recommend looking at the main example. You could then use the snippet I previously mentioned inside the handler.

gurugeek commented 6 years ago

thank you @jaemk appreciated!

bb010g commented 6 years ago

I personally use Maud, which has an example in its book:


extern crate maud;
#[macro_use] extern crate rouille;

use maud::html;
use rouille::Response;

fn main() {
    rouille::start_server("localhost:8000", move |request| {
            (GET) (/{name: String}) => {
                html! {
                    h1 { "Hello, " (name) "!" }
                    p "Nice to meet you!"
            _ => Response::empty_404()
gurugeek commented 6 years ago

@bb010g yes Maud has a nice syntax but is working only on nightly.