tomaka / rouille

Web framework in Rust
Apache License 2.0
1.09k stars 105 forks source link

Maintenance Status #235

Closed bradfier closed 3 years ago

bradfier commented 3 years ago


First off, thank you for creating Rouille, it's a wonderful library in a world of overcomplicated async frameworks.

Correlated to, I wondered if there were any plans to continue maintaining this crate? I've noticed some bugfix and compatible enhancement PRs have been open for over two years without further comment.

If you feel it's feature complete that's totally understandable, but if you would like some help responding to issues and PRs, or if you simply don't have time to remain involved with the project, then I'm ready to help.

tomaka commented 3 years ago


Indeed, the crate is mostly feature complete and I really don't have the bandwidth (nor motivation) to maintain it.

bradfier commented 3 years ago

While I'm sorry to hear that, it's completely understandable.

Would you be open to adding a co-maintainer? We've been running a forked version in production for some time now and there are a couple of improvements that would benefit other users without expanding the API surface too much:

In addition, it would be nice to try and bring Rouille up to the latest version of tiny-http so downstream users can get the benefit of the security fixes since 0.6.

All of the above should be possible without making breaking API changes.

tomaka commented 3 years ago

(sorry for the late answer, you were on page 2 of my notifications)

I've added you as collaborator!

In theory, Travis's CI should automatically publish a new version on if the Cargo.toml contains a version change. I'm not really sure that this still works, however.

bradfier commented 3 years ago

Oh great, thanks! I'll accept once I get to a computer.

I think it will be worth moving away from Travis in the short term, they are effectively removing the the free build time available to open source as part of being acquired.

If you're happy with GitHub, I added a GHA workflow to tiny-http which I can copy over here trivially, we can tie releases to GitHub releases using the on: [release] directive.

bradfier commented 3 years ago

I've opened the PR in question over at #236 :slightly_smiling_face: