Things we need to amend for shapely 2.0 compatibility:
When shapley.ops.split fails (e.g. on split by empty geometry collection) this is currently caught by with ValueError. However it this won't work for shapely==2.0, as: "GeometryTypeError will derive from ShapelyError and not TypeError or ValueError in Shapely 2.0." Review codebase to see if we catch other exceptions in a deprecated way.
Things we need to amend for shapely 2.0 compatibility:
fails (e.g. on split by empty geometry collection) this is currently caught
. However it this won't work for shapely==2.0, as: "GeometryTypeError will derive from ShapelyError and not TypeError or ValueError in Shapely 2.0." Review codebase to see if we catch other exceptions in a deprecated way.