tomas-stefano / infinity_test

Continuous testing and a alternative to Autotest and Guard
MIT License
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Feature Request: Support for multiple Gemfiles #25

Closed soupmatt closed 13 years ago

soupmatt commented 13 years ago

I'd love to be able to specifiy multiple Gemfiles to have my tests run against. For instance, if I have a library that needs to work with Active Record 2.3 and Active Record 3.0, it would be nice to have two Gemfiles, and then execute the tests with once against each set of gems.

tomas-stefano commented 13 years ago

Sorry for my ignorance, but I don't understand this two Gemfiles.

Is possible to use bundle with? :

Gemfile_one and Gemfile_two???

Can you solve the problem -> just install on separate gemsets? For example:

   rvm gemset list

     gemset for ruby-1.9.2-p180:


Then you can install ActiveRecord 2 in gemset one and ActiveRecord 3 in gemset two.

Then you can run infinity_test with:

     infinity_test --rubies=1.9.2@gemset_one,1.9.2@gemset_two

And to automate, you can put this gemset configurations in a .infinity_test file.

Sorry if I don't understand your problem.

tomas-stefano commented 13 years ago

My tips solve this problem? Don't? Is this what you want? I'm waiting for a more explanation.

Cheers :)

soupmatt commented 13 years ago

Sorry for the slow reply. You did answer the question. The thing I was wondering is if I could automate the process of calling bundle install with each of the gem files against each of the rvm gem sets for each ruby without having to write that part myself. If I do end up writing it, I'll submit it back as a pull request.

Sent from my iPad

On Jul 31, 2011, at 9:51 PM, tomas-stefano wrote:

My tips solve this problem? Don't? Is this what you want? I'm waiting for a more explanation.

Cheers :)

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tomas-stefano commented 13 years ago

Ok. This idea I had some weeks ago but after talking with some users, they said this is not infinity_test responsibility (to install things) and I agreed.

This idea is deleted from TODO file in this commit:

I think I'll implement this feature in a separate gem and put as a infinity_test dependency.


soupmatt commented 13 years ago

That sounds good to me.