tomas789 / kitti2bag

Convert KITTI dataset to ROS bag file the easy way!
MIT License
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Camera info height and width swapped #7

Closed Humhu closed 6 years ago

Humhu commented 7 years ago

I have observed that the output sensor_msgs/CameraInfo messages have their height and width fields flipped, while the sensor_msgs/Image messages do not.

I am running OpenCV 3 and with the latest version of kitti2bag, and have not tested if this issue occurs with OpenCV 2.x.

tomas789 commented 7 years ago

Thank you for bug report. I'll fix it soon.

TillBeemelmanns commented 5 years ago

I am running latest version of kitti2bag. Problem seems to be still existent.

lixz123007 commented 4 years ago

it is still existent

sreeharshaparuchur1 commented 3 years ago

Don't use the pip version of kitti2bag. Clone the repo and follow the process as described here.