tomas789 / kitti2bag

Convert KITTI dataset to ROS bag file the easy way!
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Support for unsynced+unrectified. Velodyne points with unique timestamps. #76

Open fetty31 opened 1 week ago

fetty31 commented 1 week ago

Hello there,

I found my self with the need of using the KITTI dataset for testing a LiDAR based SLAM approach, so I decided to add support for unsynced+unrectified datasets.

I also took the liberty of adding a new argument related to velodyne points timestamps (-v, --velo). Due to the deskewing procedure done by most LiDAR based SLAMs, it's mandatory to have a timestamp for each point of the scan. Because this information is not given by the KITTI dataset, when --velo argument is given, each point's stamp is "approximated" based on the start and end sweep time. This way, the velodyne pointcloud will be published with the same fields as in the official ROS velodyne driver [x, y, z, intensity, time], where time is relative to the msg header stamp.

Finally, I adapted the use of progressbar library to python3, as it was the only module that failed when executing the script with python 3.8.10.