tomasbjerre / git-changelog-maven-plugin

Maven plugin that can generate a changelog, or releasenotes, from git repository
78 stars 35 forks source link

Different windows and linux in {{issues}} #32

Open Acolasz opened 2 years ago

Acolasz commented 2 years ago


First off all. I do like git changelog plugins (maven and jenkins). Thank you so much.

Have you encountered such a problem, that the maven plugin (1.78) duplicate the JIRA issues? I write settings: `

    <fromRef>release/1.0.0</fromRef> <!-- tag exits -->



`{ "fromRepo": ".",

"dateFormat": "YYYY.MM.dd HH:mm:ss", "noIssueName": "Issue key missing or no valid issue keys from commit!", "timeZone": "UTC" }`

tempale file:

` Type Key Summary Description

{{#tags}} {{#issues}} {{#hasIssue}} {{#hasLink}} | {{type}} | {{issue}} | {{title}} | {{description}} | {{/hasLink}} {{/hasIssue}} {{/issues}} {{/tags}} `

windows result:

` Type Key Summary Description
Bug TST-2 test2 Description2
Story TST-1 test1 Description1 `

ubuntu result:

` Type Key Summary Description
Bug TST-2 test2 Description2
Bug TST-2 test2 Description2
Story TST-1 test1 Description1
Story TST-1 test1 Description1 `

git log

`commit a0babb6073c30d2965bf33b8e97868e0bd55f24f Author: Olivér Date: Mon Oct 25 17:06:25 2021 +0200

TST-2 testing in jenkins build

commit 61adc3beeb54d9e178e9f56463f2dae8443b96f0 Author: Olivér Date: Fri Oct 22 15:18:52 2021 +0200

create releasenotes

commit ea06d65a0b707d664dd5c77019f7c2d0c90b4843 Author: Olivér Date: Fri Oct 22 15:04:51 2021 +0200

empty commit

commit 6141796c98ff34662d57652e6f81b05b568e1d2d Author: Olivér Date: Fri Oct 22 14:57:32 2021 +0200

TST-2 empty commit

commit d39a8180aa99cb105eb7eb148813a3d34488e42d Author: Olivér Date: Thu Oct 21 15:15:49 2021 +0200

TST-1 empty commit

commit 8e8ee08940f3df76aced52d4332a9b491e4d24f1 Author: Olivér Date: Thu Oct 21 14:57:44 2021 +0200

TST-1 empty commit


Please help me! I dont know, that I am wrong or this is how it has to work.

Thank you so much!

tomasbjerre commented 2 years ago

Can you repeat this in an open repository, perhaps on Github?

Acolasz commented 2 years ago

Yes i do, but i dont understand what is open repository? Could you send a link?

tomasbjerre commented 2 years ago

A public repository. That I can access.

Acolasz commented 2 years ago

you may think Sorry, if not

tomasbjerre commented 2 years ago

Those commits are not available in that repository:

Acolasz commented 2 years ago

Hello tomasbjerre!

I am really sorry, but I do not share those repo, when I found bug. I tried to make a new repo, but the your plugin works well. :( I tried to debug this plugin with mvnDebug, but I have to know better with plugin.