tomasbjerre / git-changelog-maven-plugin

Maven plugin that can generate a changelog, or releasenotes, from git repository
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Empty changelog on a bitbucket repository #45

Closed dagutten closed 2 years ago

dagutten commented 2 years ago

After introducing the plugin into my pom file:


se.bjurr.gitchangelog git-changelog-maven-plugin ${changelog.version} GenerateGitChangelogMinimal generate-sources git-changelog

I am receiving no information about the latest changes in the project:

/C/repos/mule-bom-poc (master) $ mvn generate-resources [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] [INFO] ----------------------< com.baxter.api:mule-bom >----------------------- [INFO] Building Mule Bill Of Material 1.0.0 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-changelog-maven-plugin:1.92:git-changelog (GenerateGitChangelogMinimal) @ mule-bom --- [INFO] #xtended variables: [INFO] # Wrote: C:\repos\mule-bom-poc\ [INFO] # [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 1.562 s [INFO] Finished at: 2022-09-02T10:03:02+01:00 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

/C/repos/mule-bom-poc (master) $ cat mule-bom-poc changelog Changelog of mule-bom-poc.

Notice how the changelog is completely empty without any info.

I pushed a commit to the master branch for testing as shown below:

Am I using the plugin unproperly or this is an issue with the bitbucket repository?

tomasbjerre commented 2 years ago

Perhaps the latest changes is not tagged and your template loops each tag in the repo.

The template is documented here:

dagutten commented 2 years ago

That seems to be the case. Surprisingly, the plugin is completely ignoring the inline template.

I modified the template to point to a bitbucket hash:

[{{hash}}]({{ownerName}}/{{repoName}}/commits/{{hash}}) {{authorName}} *{{commitTime}}*

In the output changelog I can see:

initial commit [ec7a1](https://gith Martinez 2022-09-02 08:30:22

dagutten commented 2 years ago

It was an issue with my pom file, working now!