tomasbjerre / pull-request-notifier-for-bitbucket

Bitbucket Server plugin that invokes a custom URL when a pull request event is triggered.
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New trigger for reviewers added event #200

Open igogrek opened 7 years ago

igogrek commented 7 years ago

Another feature request:

There's PullRequestRolesUpdatedEvent described in docs which says that currently it only works for new reviewers added. Is it possible to add this event and addedReviewers info for this event?

Use case: I sent notifications to reviewers on PR opened, re-opened etc. But I'm not sure how to notify users who are added to the PR's reviewers after it was opened.

tomasbjerre commented 7 years ago

I noticed that when PullRequestReviewersUpdatedEvent happens also PullRequestUpdatedEvent happens. Not really sure how to solve that. I want only one event to trigger for every action.

The documentation on PullRequestUpdatedEvent states Event that is raised when the pull request title, description, or target branch are updated.

So If there are events that only triggers on title change, description change and target branch change, then listening for those would solve this.

Perhaps the solution is not to let the user select actions to listen for but instead let the user select any event available under package "com.atlassian.bitbucket.event.pull". I'm asking Atlassian about this...