tomasbjerre / pull-request-notifier-for-bitbucket

Bitbucket Server plugin that invokes a custom URL when a pull request event is triggered.
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Pul request notifier stoped work without errors #361

Open c0pycot opened 4 years ago

c0pycot commented 4 years ago

I tried to test with url as example and didn't get any results. Looks like plugin just doesn't work. In logs has only 1 records about plugin, when I switched it to debug level - 2019-12-09 14:50:52,486 WARN [hz.hazelcast.event-4] se.bjurr.prnfb.http.UrlInvoker Switching to log level [debug]

mozbakanlgi commented 4 years ago

any progress on this issue? It is highly impacting our daily activities and it causes additional effort from our engineers many times a day for each PR, given integration between Jenkins and bitbucket becomes blocked.

tomasbjerre commented 4 years ago

You are probably better off using native webhooks in Bitbucket and this plugin:

Pull requests are welcome if you want to fix your issue.

mozbakanlgi commented 4 years ago

Hi @tomasbjerre , what would be the main benefit of using generic-webhook-trigger-plugin? How are you sure that it would fix our problems? What is the root cause of the problem we have by the way?

There are 6-7 teams using the functions provided by pull-request-notifier-for-bitbucket, just one of them complains about an intermittent issue and it would be a bit hard to switch using native webhooks.

Best regards

tomasbjerre commented 4 years ago

Main benefit would be to use something that is well maintained.

I'm not sure it would fix your problem.

I have no idea what the root cause is.

If you have 6-7 teams using the functions, I would suggest picking 1 developer in 1 of these teams and let that developer work on this issue. The code and all you need to build this plugin is right here in the repo. You can add whatever debug logging you want, build and deploy it yourselves. When you have a fix, I would happily accept a PR.