These 3 fields although being added for different section in the pkpass are using the same key 'name', the code still runs and produces the pkpass, only when viewing the system logs of the iOS device can we see the reason the PKPass cannot be loaded is due to the duplicate keys.
I think the dotnet library should throw an error on duplicate keys to save developers a headache. (Source: Developer that got a headache from this).
With the permission of Tomas I will make a PR suggestion checking for the validity of this data starting with checking for duplicate keys.
This dotnet library will fail to actually create the pkpass if the dev has used the same key for example:
These 3 fields although being added for different section in the pkpass are using the same key 'name', the code still runs and produces the pkpass, only when viewing the system logs of the iOS device can we see the reason the PKPass cannot be loaded is due to the duplicate keys.
I think the dotnet library should throw an error on duplicate keys to save developers a headache. (Source: Developer that got a headache from this).
With the permission of Tomas I will make a PR suggestion checking for the validity of this data starting with checking for duplicate keys.