Open funks81 opened 3 weeks ago
I've found that the API responds in different ways to different heat sources, so it's possible the mechanism for detecting the IsCharging doesn't work correctly.
As you are on a Heat Pump, I believe that the volumetric heating feature is disabled. Is that correct?
Electric Heat is the tank's internal element, so when you're using the heat pump, that won't register any heat. Does that help?
Thanks for getting back to me on this. Understand re the IsCharging possibly not working correctly. I haven't seen any mention of volumetric heating - so you may well be correct in that being disabled due to my heat pump. I do occasionally use Electric Heat - during my off peak electricity hours (to allow the heat pump to continue space heating). The issue I have - i think probably stems from an incorrect integration setting regarding the possible states for HeatPump Heat and Electric Heat. As shown in the history graph above, the history graph has numeric states for the sensor (obviously showing no values) - as the sensor has states off or on. I have got round this by creating a template helper that looks at the current state of the provided sensor (off, on) - but looks like could be a simple fix within this integration. Many Thanks for your help.
Yeah, you're right, there is something wrong. I think those sensors are the wrong type.
They should be boolean sensors, that are either on of off depending on the target charge level and the active hear source.
I'll have a dig!
I have a mixergy connected to a Daikin heat pump - set as the default heat source (and should be only!!). The "Is Charging" entity shows a state of 'Off' - despite the heat pump having been heated overnight by the heat pump (and also a little by the immersion - but that's a separate issue!!).
I also noticed the 'HeatPump Heat' and 'Electric Heat' entities don't seem to have a history - the history graph has a y-axis of 0 to 1.0. I set a notification to alert me when the heat pump was using Electric Heat - and the automation did trigger when this was state 'on'.
Many Thanks for your help