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Could not use apoc procedure #11

Closed thegallier closed 8 months ago

thegallier commented 8 months ago

Used a url that worked with GraphDatabase. It is throwing the above error. I changed some settings in neo4j.conf. It seems it also requires now an apoc.conf that I put in same directory as neo4j.conf It contains apoc.export.file.enabled=true. When I ask to show procedures the does not show. Did u do a config wrong or is there a way to use the GraphDatabase (which works). I am trying to use the vector database .


thegallier commented 8 months ago

The routine that throws the error is Neo4Graph in langchain.graphs

tomasonjo commented 8 months ago

You need to install APOC Core plugin

thegallier commented 8 months ago

I indeed did not do that. Dropped apoc-5.12.0-core.jar in /var/lib/neo4j/plugins/ chmod 755. Restart. No error but neo4j is no longer coming up. In the mean time I saw you can add embedding with driver. Should I go that way?

thegallier commented 8 months ago

Actually I am good. I had to remove the old plugin. And have changed some settings. Thanks.