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do yo have survey comparison for different algorithms how to convert text to graph #24

Open Sandy4321 opened 2 months ago

Sandy4321 commented 2 months ago

performance for RAG with Neo4j knowledge graph depends from how texts was transformed to graph do yo have survey/ comparison for different algorithms how to convert text to graph ? for example 1 sparse ( tfidf or count vectorizer ) vs dense (LLM bert or not bert GPT) embeddings 2 hybrid : both sparse ( tfidf or count vectorizer ) vs dense (LLM bert or not bert GPT) embeddings , with different waits 3 different prompts to convert text to dense LLM embedding 4 big text (many files , less files but big files ) and small text 5 synonyms shallow nodes similarity ( only similar to next node ) and deep nodes similarity 6 etc to avoid A typical RAG system today uses a frozen off-the-shelf model for embeddings, a vector database for retrieval, and a black-box language model for generation, stitched together through prompting or an orchestration framework. This leads to a “Frankenstein’s monster” of generative AI: the individual components technically work, but the whole is far from optimal. see also