Allowtopausethegamewhentheuserpressesakey('S'key),showinga message while paused. Implement the counting mechanism of lives, points and the endgame. We suggest the following game play: at the beginning the player has five lives and lose a life each time the car is hit by an orange or falls off the table. Implement a HUD (Head-up Display) to show the remaining lives as well as the number of won points. When the player loses all lives, you should see a game over message, and it should be possible to start a new game by pressing a button ('R' key). It is intended that the display information of points and lives is carried out through a Head-Up Display (HUD) which involves the use of a second orthogonal projection to the drawing. This projection will be independent of the active camera. In this case it may be worth doing push and pop the stack projection matrices. You can base your implementation in the code provided in the CGJ template which uses the FreeType library for bitmap fonts-based text rendering. It is based on the tutorial
Allowtopausethegamewhentheuserpressesakey('S'key),showinga message while paused. Implement the counting mechanism of lives, points and the endgame. We suggest the following game play: at the beginning the player has five lives and lose a life each time the car is hit by an orange or falls off the table. Implement a HUD (Head-up Display) to show the remaining lives as well as the number of won points. When the player loses all lives, you should see a game over message, and it should be possible to start a new game by pressing a button ('R' key). It is intended that the display information of points and lives is carried out through a Head-Up Display (HUD) which involves the use of a second orthogonal projection to the drawing. This projection will be independent of the active camera. In this case it may be worth doing push and pop the stack projection matrices. You can base your implementation in the code provided in the CGJ template which uses the FreeType library for bitmap fonts-based text rendering. It is based on the tutorial