To apply simultaneously at least two textures to the table. These
textures should react to the lighting. Take the example of the
multitexturing demo whose files are attached to this exercise. To run
this demo, use the CGJ Template and replace the lightDemo.cpp file by
multiTexDemo.cpp file. Add both shaders (texture_demo.vert and
texture_demo.frag) to the SHADERS directory and place the image maps
files (stone.tga, checker.png and lightwood.tga) in the Project directory.
By pressing the key ‘l’ you enable the spotlight effect.
To apply simultaneously at least two textures to the table. These textures should react to the lighting. Take the example of the multitexturing demo whose files are attached to this exercise. To run this demo, use the CGJ Template and replace the lightDemo.cpp file by multiTexDemo.cpp file. Add both shaders (texture_demo.vert and texture_demo.frag) to the SHADERS directory and place the image maps files (stone.tga, checker.png and lightwood.tga) in the Project directory. By pressing the key ‘l’ you enable the spotlight effect.