tomasz-grobelny / AACS

Android Auto Server encapsulates communication with modern car infotainment system
GNU General Public License v3.0
225 stars 29 forks source link

Help needed ... #22

Open chrisgotboost opened 2 years ago

chrisgotboost commented 2 years ago

I figured out how to compile everything for RPI4. everything seams to work, the AACS server get detected but somehow ... it doesnt give an error and don't do nothing more

Capture d’écran, le 2022-05-31 à 18 09 27


Into my audi it gives an error but on crankshaft no error, no image, just lock into the corner : ep0 event 0 ep0 event 2 got version request version negotiation ok auth complete Error: SSL_read failed: -1 2 2 2

gamelaster commented 2 years ago

Might be this because old AAServer certificate?

chrisgotboost commented 2 years ago

i tought it has neeen updated… i looked into the CRT, still active.

chrisgotboost commented 2 years ago


The car launch the pairing process, then SSL error, but on crankshaft no error at all, just the lock icon in the corner. No video transmission, snowmix runs, the pcap file is growing up .. not sure what is wrong

chrisgotboost commented 2 years ago

@gamelaster any idea ? Crankshaft supposed to work ?

gamelaster commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry, no idea @chrisgotboost :(