tomaszaba / ipccheckr

Toolkit for Performing IPC Acute Malnutrition-related Data Checks
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prevalence functions only work as expected on single survey area #22

Closed tomaszaba closed 2 months ago

tomaszaba commented 2 months ago

In each prevalence function, before the prevalence is computed, few checks are done to inform the prevalence analysis strategy, for instance in compute_muac_prevalence() first standard deviation of MFAZ and age ratio test are performed, then a new object is created thanks to tell_muac_analysis_strategy()which evaluates the analysis strategy to follow - wether normal complex sample-based analysis (if standard deviation and age ratio test are not problematic) or CDC weighting-approach (if standard deviation is not problematic but age ratio is problematic) or no computation when either standard deviation is problematic and age ratio is not or both.

I've just realised that current code only works well for one a data frame of one survey. If multiple survey areas are available, the decision on the analysis approach is made based on ungrouped data, which is wrong, as one survey area may required weighted analysis or not. This errors comes from the way how I approached the check inside the functions. I have started to revise them. I am currently approaching this way:

## Get and classify age ratio and standard deviation ----
  x <- df |>
    group_by({{ .summary_by }}) |>
      std = classify_sd(sd(remove_flags(.data$mfaz, "zscore"), na.rm = TRUE)),
      age_ratio = classify_age_sex_ratio(age_ratio_test(.data$age, .expectedP = 0.66)$p),
      analysis_approach = tell_muac_analysis_strategy(age_ratio, std)

this gives me something like:

# A tibble: 2 × 4
  province std       age_ratio analysis_approach
  <chr>    <chr>     <chr>     <chr>            
1 Nampula  Excellent Excellent unweighted       
2 Zambezia Excellent Excellent unweighted       

I would like to have your support on how to approach the downstream code that should read each element of the vector analysis_approach. I immediately thought of using a for loop, but I am not yet good at writing a for or while loop.

Could please give a hand? Please consider the code in my last commit under branch test_suit

Note: I am aware that all prevalence functions are absolutely too long. I have a plan to shorten them by writing a a separate function for each code block. I want to make this work first, then I will revise.

tomaszaba commented 2 months ago

I have managed to make compute_wfhz_prevalence()work as it should - depending on the SD's classification.

compute_wfhz_prevalence <- function(df,
                                    .wt = NULL,
                                    .edema = NULL,
                                    .summary_by) {
  .summary_by <- rlang::enquo(.summary_by)

  ## An empty vector type of type list ----
  results <- list()

  ## Get summary of standard deviation classification ----
  if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.summary_by)) {
    x <- summarise(
      std = classify_sd(sd(remove_flags(.data$wfhz, "zscore"), na.rm = TRUE)),
      .by = !!.summary_by
  } else {
    x <- summarise(
      std = classify_sd(sd(remove_flags(.data$wfhz, "zscore"), na.rm = TRUE))

  ## Iterate over data frame to compute prevalence according to the SD ----
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
    if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.summary_by)) {
      area <- dplyr::pull(x, !!.summary_by)[i]
      data <- filter(df, !!sym(rlang::quo_name(.summary_by)) == !!area)
    } else {
      data <- df

    std <- x$std[i]
    if (std != "Problematic") {
      ### Compute standard complex sample based prevalence analysis ----
      result <- get_wfhz_prevalence_estimates(data, {{ .wt }}, {{ .edema }}, !!.summary_by)
    } else {
      if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.summary_by)) {
        ### Compute PROBIT based prevalence ----
        result <- compute_probit_prevalence(data, !!.summary_by)
      } else {
        result <- compute_probit_prevalence(data)
    results[[i]] <- result
  dplyr::bind_rows(results) |>
    dplyr::relocate(gam_p, .after = gam_n) |>
    dplyr::relocate(sam_p, .after = sam_n) |>
    dplyr::relocate(mam_p, .after = mam_n)

It has a helper function for when SD is problematic

compute_probit_prevalence <- function(df, .summary_by = NULL) {
  .summary_by <- rlang::enquo(.summary_by)
  if(!is.null(.summary_by)) {
    df <- summarise(
      gam = apply_probit_method(.data$wfhz, .status = "gam"),
      sam = apply_probit_method(.data$wfhz, .status = "sam"),
      mam = gam - sam,
      .by = !!.summary_by
      ) |>
        gam_p = gam, sam_p = sam, mam_p = mam,
        gam = NA, sam = NA, mam = NA
      ) |>
  } else {
    df <- summarise(
      gam = apply_probit_method(.data$wfhz, .status = "gam"),
      sam = apply_probit_method(.data$wfhz, .status = "sam"),
      mam = gam - sam
      ) |>
        gam_p = gam, sam_p = sam, mam_p = mam,
        gam = NA, sam = NA, mam = NA
      ) |>

It returns the output:

# A tibble: 4 × 17
  district   gam_n  gam_p gam_p_low gam_p_upp gam_p_deff sam_n   sam_p sam_p_low sam_p_upp sam_p_deff mam_n
  <chr>      <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl> <dbl>
1 Metuge        NA 0.0260   NA        NA              NA    NA 0.00163  NA         NA              NA    NA
2 Cahora-Ba…    25 0.0738    0.0348    0.113         Inf     4 0.00336  -0.00348    0.0102        Inf    21
3 Chiuta        11 0.0444    0.0129    0.0759        Inf     2 0.00444  -0.00466    0.0136        Inf     9
4 Maravia       NA 0.0383   NA        NA              NA    NA 0.00279  NA         NA              NA    NA

Now I am working to make compute_muac_prevalence() work the same way. It is behaving differently when I apply the same approach as that of wfhz.

How do you find this code?

tomaszaba commented 2 months ago

Hi again, Ernest,

The action to make compute_muac_prevalence() is now completed. I approached it this way:

compute_muac_prevalence <- function(df,
                                    .wt = NULL,
                                    .edema = NULL,
                                    .summary_by = NULL) {
  .summary_by <- rlang::enquo(.summary_by)
  results <- list()

  ## Get and classify age ratio and standard deviation ----
  if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.summary_by)) {
    x <- df |>
      group_by(!!.summary_by) |>
        age_ratio = classify_age_sex_ratio(age_ratio_test(.data$age, .expectedP = 0.66)$p),
        std = classify_sd(sd(remove_flags(as.numeric(.data$mfaz), "zscore"), na.rm = TRUE)),
        analysis_approach = tell_muac_analysis_strategy(.data$age_ratio, .data$std),
        .groups = "drop"
  } else {
    x <- df |>
        age_ratio = classify_age_sex_ratio(age_ratio_test(.data$age, .expectedP = 0.66)$p),
        std = classify_sd(sd(remove_flags(as.numeric(.data$mfaz), "zscore"), na.rm = TRUE)),
        analysis_approach = tell_muac_analysis_strategy(.data$age_ratio, .data$std)

  ## Iterate over data frame to compute prevalence according to analysis_approach ----
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
    if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.summary_by)) {
      area <- dplyr::pull(x, !!.summary_by)[i]
      data <- filter(df, !!sym(rlang::quo_name(.summary_by)) == area)
    } else {
      data <- df

    analysis_approach <- x$analysis_approach[i]

    if (analysis_approach == "unweighted") {
      ### Compute standard complex sample based prevalence analysis ----
      output <- compute_pps_based_muac_prevalence(data, {{ .wt }}, {{ .edema }}, !!.summary_by)
    } else if (analysis_approach == "weighted") {
      if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.summary_by)) {
        ### Compute weighted prevalence summarized at .summary_by ----
        output <- compute_weighted_prevalence(data, .edema = {{ .edema }}, !!.summary_by)
      } else {
        ### Compute non-summarized weighted prevalence ----
        output <- compute_weighted_prevalence(data, .edema = {{ .edema }})
    } else {
      if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.summary_by)) {
        ### Add NA's to the summarized tibble accordingly ----
        output <- summarise(
          gam_p = NA_real_,
          sam_p = NA_real_,
          mam_p = NA_real_,
          .by = !!.summary_by
      } else {
        ### Return a non-summarised tibble ----
        output <- tibble::tibble(
          gam_p = NA_real_,
          sam_p = NA_real_,
          mam_p = NA_real_
    results[[i]] <- output
  ### Ensure that all geographical aras are added to the tibble ----
  if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.summary_by)) {
    results <- dplyr::bind_rows(results) |>
      dplyr::relocate(.data$gam_p, .after = .data$gam_n) |>
      dplyr::relocate(.data$sam_p, .after = .data$sam_n) |>
      dplyr::relocate(.data$mam_p, .after = .data$mam_n)
  } else {
    results <- dplyr::bind_rows(results)

This returns:

# A tibble: 3 × 17
  province   gam_n  gam_p gam_p_low gam_p_upp gam_p_deff sam_n   sam_p sam_p_low sam_p_upp sam_p_deff mam_n
  <chr>      <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl> <dbl>
1 Province 1   135  0.104    0.0778     0.130        Inf    19  0.0133   0.00682    0.0198        Inf   116
2 Province 2    NA  0.112   NA         NA             NA    NA  0.0201  NA         NA              NA    NA
3 Province 3    NA NA       NA         NA             NA    NA NA       NA         NA              NA    NA
# ℹ 5 more variables: mam_p <dbl>, mam_p_low <dbl>, mam_p_upp <dbl>, mam_p_deff <dbl>, wt_pop <dbl>