tomaszkam / date

A date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 <chrono> header
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[LWG3272] Specify weekday_indexed to range of [0, 7] or [0, 15]. #7

Closed tomaszkam closed 5 years ago

tomaszkam commented 5 years ago

Original comment:

Specify weekday_indexed to range of [0, 7] or [0, 15].

E-mail thread: [isocpp-lib] Range of index for weekday_indexed

tomaszkam commented 5 years ago

Tim's comment:

On one hand, we say that if you try to construct a weekday_indexed with index 0, you get an unspecified index instead ( []p1),:

The values held are unspecified if !wd.ok() or index is not in the range [1, 5].

OTOH, we take pains to pin down year­month­weekday's conversion to sys_days when the index is zero ([]p19):

If index() is 0 the returned sys_­days represents the date 7 days prior to the first weekday() of year()/month().

This seems a bit inconsistent. Perhaps we should allow a slightly wider range (say, [0, 7], since you need at least 3 bits anyway to represent the 5 distinct valid values)?

HowardHinnant commented 5 years ago

I believe we have to do this at least for the value 0 to make it consistent with which specifies what happens when index() is 0. And while we're at it, might as well make the specified range [0, 7].

Proposed wording: Member functions [], p1:

Effects: Constructs an object of type weekdayindexed by initializing wd with wd and index_ with index. The values held are unspecified if !wd.ok() or index is not in the range [1, 5][0, 7].

tomaszkam commented 5 years ago

Why not [0, 15]? That would be more consistent with day that has value range driven by required storage (8bits), and we could consume 4bits here.

HowardHinnant commented 5 years ago

While my implementation does allow [0, 15], I couldn't come up with a good rationale for mandating that support. This boils down to these two lines of code:

As far as practical use cases are concerned, I have found none for !ok() indexes outside of:


(the Sunday prior to the first Sunday in September). And even that has a less confusing representation:


Thus I believe this is a case to give implementors more leeway for the case that they may discover reasons in the future to take advantage of an extra bit within weekday_indexed.

HowardHinnant commented 5 years ago

Mailed to LWG chair.