tomatensaus / DeyeSolarDesktop

Home Assistant bootstrap for monitoring solar for Deye/Sunsynk/Sol-Ark
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Home assistant changes the entity name of importbuy to import_buy #4

Open tomatensaus opened 1 month ago

tomatensaus commented 1 month ago

sensor.deyeinvertermaster_summary_total_grid_importbuy is renamed to sensor.deyeinvertermaster_summary_total_grid_import_buy

Similarly with exportsell and export_sell

This causes all my graphs to stop displaying

tomatensaus commented 1 month ago

Install the "SqlLite Web plugin" in home assistant and run this query

SELECT * FROM "statistics_meta" where statistic_id like "%total_grid_import%"

It will give you output

id statistic_id source unit_of_measurement has_mean has_sum name
13 sensor.deyeinvertermaster_summary_total_grid_importbuy recorder MWh 0 1  
82 sensor.deyeinvertermaster_summary_total_grid_importbuy_cost recorder ZAR 0 1  
104 sensor.deyeinvertermaster_summary_total_grid_import_buy recorder MWh 0 1  

Note that we have ID=13 (the old entity name) that need to be pointed to ID=104 (the new entity name) This is achieved with

UPDATE statistics SET metadata_id = 104 WHERE metadata_id = 13;

You can also just look at the data that will be changed SELECT * FROM statistics WHERE metadata_id = 13 LIMIT 100;

if it complains about "UNIQUE constraint failed: statistics.metadata_id, statistics.start_ts" then you likely have a row with a date that is the same for both entities, you can find the duplicates with:

SELECT metadata_id, id, start_ts, COUNT(*)
FROM statistics
WHERE metadata_id IN (13, 104)
GROUP BY  start_ts
metadata_id id start_ts COUNT(*
13 332545 1713862800.0 2

Look for the ID of the duplicate entry (eg 332545) and remove with DELETE FROM statistics WHERE id = 332545;