tomatocart / TomatoCart-v1

TomatoCart v1.x respository
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Need to improve the error message notification in USPS. #222

Open tocjack opened 10 years ago

tocjack commented 10 years ago

When checking out using the USPS shipping module, AND you leave the Postal Code(Zip code) blank you get the following error message:

Sorry! We are unable to obtain a Shipping Cost value at this time due to a Communication Problem with USPS API Server. Please call the Store Owner at:

This message is misleading. One of my customers received this message and thought that my site was having a problem connecting with the USPS. So he decided to try again at a later time. Even though the message also says to call me, he did not call. After getting this message again on a number of tries, he decided to call me. I worked with him and figured out that he had not put in the Postal Code.

If the postal code is missing then I believe the error message should state that fact. And also if there is missing or wrong data in one of the other required fields, then the customer should be told where his error is coming from.

I'm the only one that makes my product so he had to keep coming back to me if he wanted my product. If he could've purchased the product elsewhere, I'm sure he would have, and I would have lost the sale.


ghost commented 10 years ago

My email address is: Thanks

tocjack commented 10 years ago


I will arrange time to improve it as soon as possible.