tomatocart / TomatoCart-v1

TomatoCart v1.x respository
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Potential cache WORK folder limitations! #63

Open nlmaca opened 11 years ago

nlmaca commented 11 years ago

i'm not sure that it's the issue of Linux or PHP. Anybody seen if there's MORE than 10000 files in directory you can't get access to all files? Now our store suffers from WORK folder limitations. At one moment category tree disappears and I can't access Cache in Cache Control module of Admin Panel. I just got empty window in Cache Control.

We have 25000 products in a store and I got this from to time!

I think that TC shall separate cache files in different directories to avoid this problem and to get faster response time


analyst303 commented 11 years ago

actually I got it as well from time to time with less then 10000 files and with v1.1.8. I thought it's something from one of my modifications but I guess it's not.

can you tell us what Host you are using ?

nlmaca commented 11 years ago

im sorry. i forgot to put the forum topic in it. i didn't discoverd this. (it was a bit late last night;)

dart-com-ua commented 11 years ago

I, personally, used few virtual host providers and this problems occurs due to big quantity of files in one directory. As you may see there's not only cache files for product pages, but recently viewed products, categories tree etc.

We badly need to separate cache files in different folders or the script will not work flawlessly in big stores on virtual hostings

tomatocart commented 11 years ago

The problem probably is caused by the cache mechanism. As the file cache system is quite slow, the cache file is regenerated every 12 hours. If there are too much concurrent users access the website at the same time, that could be some empty data written into the cache file. If you have many online users, I would suggest you try to put the cache files in apc cache or memcache.

@analyst303 I don't think you have the same problem cause when I check your server the directory does not have any write access.

dart-com-ua commented 11 years ago

On all sites with huge amounts of files script tries to minimize server load by dividing cache/sotre files into subdirectories.

For example: (about 90000 bands, hundreds of thousands pictures) They divide their pictures directories into subdirectories (correct use, mo problems with OS and speed) and not (incorrect - too many files in one directory)