tomayac / wikipedia-tools-for-google-spreadsheets

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WIKILINKSEARCH doesn't seem to be functioning as intended #20

Open Samwalton9 opened 7 years ago

Samwalton9 commented 7 years ago

I've been poking around with WIKILINKSEARCH for a while today and it doesn't seem to return everything it should.

The most obvious thing is that it appears to be limited to the Article namespace even when opt_namespaces isn't set. But even then, I get far less results than from Special:LinkSearch or the API directly.

For example: For "" on the English Wikipedia, I find 7028 total links from Special:LinkSearch and the API's exturlusage. WIKILINKSEARCH - with `=WIKILINKSEARCH("","http")` - gives 379, and only from article space as far as I can see. Limiting the API query to article namespace gives 5575. I tried a few different variations on the API query and couldn't find any way to generate 379 results.

Samwalton9 commented 7 years ago

Updated my WIKILINKSEARCH code, not sure how I garbled it so badly before.