Open sanderalewijnse opened 2 years ago
Hi helpful people,
I was trying to flash my cube with your firmware under ledcube8x8x8/firmware/v2/ledcube8.hex using stcgal on my linux machine.
I ran: stcgal -P stc12 /ledcube8.hex
The output I got: Waiting for MCU, please cycle power: done Protocol detected: stc12 Target model: Name: STC12C5A60S2 Magic: D17E Code flash: 60.0 KB EEPROM flash: 2.0 KB Target frequency: 23.962 MHz Target BSL version: 7.1I Target options: reset_pin_enabled=True low_voltage_reset=False oscillator_stable_delay=32768 por_reset_delay=long clock_gain=high clock_source=external watchdog_por_enabled=False watchdog_stop_idle=True watchdog_prescale=256 eeprom_erase_enabled=False bsl_pindetect_enabled=False Loading flash: I/O error: invalid Intel HEX file (Invalid line start character (60)) Disconnected!
Any idea what could be causing this? Thank you!
Hi helpful people,
I was trying to flash my cube with your firmware under ledcube8x8x8/firmware/v2/ledcube8.hex using stcgal on my linux machine.
I ran: stcgal -P stc12/ledcube8.hex
The output I got: Waiting for MCU, please cycle power: done Protocol detected: stc12 Target model: Name: STC12C5A60S2 Magic: D17E Code flash: 60.0 KB EEPROM flash: 2.0 KB Target frequency: 23.962 MHz Target BSL version: 7.1I Target options: reset_pin_enabled=True low_voltage_reset=False oscillator_stable_delay=32768 por_reset_delay=long clock_gain=high clock_source=external watchdog_por_enabled=False watchdog_stop_idle=True watchdog_prescale=256 eeprom_erase_enabled=False bsl_pindetect_enabled=False Loading flash: I/O error: invalid Intel HEX file (Invalid line start character (60)) Disconnected!
Any idea what could be causing this? Thank you!