The cube is working fine when downloading animations with the given program.
When clicking on check MCU in the downloader program also says that the MCU type is STC12C5A60S2.
I have installed the firmware (ledcube8.hex) which worked fine.
Pins Connected:
5V and 5V
I know on the project page it says I should connect TXD to RXD and RXD to TXD but that didnt work and the other program which I tried (which is also based on your project: did it the same way I have it now...
I am facing the following problems:
Colors are 'inverted'?: When I set the cube to turn Black then all LEDs turn on, opposite with white
when im trying to draw a plane in black (--> should result in white) the whole cube turns 50% on
I am facing no errors when executing my program
--> any things i draw are displayed wrong...
First I tried it through this program: which is also based on your code...
It results pretty much in the same problems. Animations in general make no sense/are displayed wrong.
I have set the serialPort like this:
serialPort.BaudRate = 19200;
serialPort.DataBits = 8;
serialPort.StopBits = StopBits.One;
serialPort.Parity = Parity.None;
And the cube:
Cube cube = new Cube(8, 8, 8);
cube.type = CubeType.Monochrome;
Cube off (results in cube turning all leds off...):
SerialHelper.Send(serialPort, cube);
Thanks a lot for your work on the project! I was hoping to find something like this earlier or later.
Hello, I am trying to use your Project to control my 8x8x8 singel colored (blue) cube. The Cube im using:
The cube is working fine when downloading animations with the given program. When clicking on check MCU in the downloader program also says that the MCU type is STC12C5A60S2.
I have installed the firmware (ledcube8.hex) which worked fine. Pins Connected:
I am facing the following problems:
First I tried it through this program: which is also based on your code... It results pretty much in the same problems. Animations in general make no sense/are displayed wrong.
I have set the serialPort like this: serialPort.BaudRate = 19200; serialPort.DataBits = 8; serialPort.StopBits = StopBits.One; serialPort.Parity = Parity.None;
And the cube: Cube cube = new Cube(8, 8, 8); cube.type = CubeType.Monochrome;
Cube off (results in cube turning all leds off...): cube.Clear(CubeColor.White); SerialHelper.Send(serialPort, cube);
Thanks a lot for your work on the project! I was hoping to find something like this earlier or later.