tombatossals / angular-leaflet-directive

AngularJS directive to embed an interact with maps managed by Leaflet library
MIT License
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Issue on multiple focus #1067

Open barthelemyehui opened 8 years ago

barthelemyehui commented 8 years ago

Hi Team,

I've some isssue on the focus property.

When I set the focus to true on multiple Marker I have only 1 popup showing on.

Here is the snippet :

$scope.markers = {};
 for (var driver in drivers ) {
       var newMarker = {};
        newMarker.icon = {
                                iconUrl: '/client/img/map-truck-blue.png',
                                iconSize: [32, 37],
                                popupAnchor: [-3, -20],
                                labelAnchor: [-40, 35]
                            }; =;
       newMarker.lng = driver.lon;
      newMarker.focus = true; 
      markers[] = newMarker;

Do you have any idea ?

Best regards