tombatron / NRedisGraph

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Support array of array parameters + improve escaping #5

Closed denisbollinne closed 4 years ago

denisbollinne commented 4 years ago


We had a need to support Array of arrays as parameters.

To do so, I've changed the way you sanitised the parameters by referencing Newtonsoft.Json.

I understand you might not want to add an extra dependency but, if you do, feel free to accept this pull request.


Denis Bollinne

tombatron commented 4 years ago

Hey there Denis!

You're right, I'm not keen on the idea of adding an additional dependency. However, I did use your scenario to add another test case to the existing TestParameters test annnnnnd I fixed the issue with nested arrays.

This is the PR in which I fixed the issue.

You should be able to grab NRedisGraph 1.1 from Nuget.

Hopefully that works out for you!

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
