tomboy-notes / tomdroid

Tomboy notes on Android
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Webdav Sync URL isnt used as it is user provided #160

Open obilodeau opened 8 years ago

obilodeau commented 8 years ago

Version: 0.7.2

Tried to sync my webdav notes repository providing Tomdroid this URL: http://user:password@server/URI_Root/notes

Got error on client side saying in french "La connexion au serveur a échoué, veuillez vérifier si l'adresse que vous avez entrée est correcte".

In fact, on server side (DAV-enabled Apache), logs shown up with: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX - - [26/May/2013:16:36:42 +0200] "GET /URI_Root/notes//api/1.0/ HTTP/1.1" 401 793 "-" "Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (java 1.4)"

As you can see, "/api/1.0" was added (I think this is an UbuntuOne-stylish-end-of-URI ...).

=> AFAIK, U1 Tomboy / notes sync service is over (for a couple of months now). So could you check, and fix this ?

Thanks anyway for this very nice tool.


Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh.

obilodeau commented 8 years ago

(by j-4) Hello, Sorry, but we do not support WebDAV sync yet. The "Online Synchronisation" only works with the Snowy REST API server atm. I am aware that Ubuntu One is not hosting a sync server any more - could not miss that :-D We are working hard to build a replacement for Snowy, called Rainy ( and we will host a public syncserver with the support of as soon as it is stable. Feel free to support us with either porting the existing webdav code for tomroid ( to our newest code-basis, or by hosting a Rainy server and reporting (and fixing) bugs for the server.

Sorry for the bad news! Cheers, Stefan