tombrain / esphome_waremacontrol

ESPHome-Configuration for WaremaEWFS
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Please provide a how to... #1

Open InFlames82 opened 6 months ago

InFlames82 commented 6 months ago

Hello, I'm also want to conrol my Wamera EWFS blinds with ESP-Home to use it in Home Assistant. Can you please provite a discription how do you solve this? Many thanks, Marius

tombrain commented 6 months ago

Hi, first of allm you have to get codes by

Hardware I used: raspberryPI and

Scanned codes you can use by esphome_waremacontrol

InFlames82 commented 5 months ago

Thank you- can you also provide a Description how to wire the Pi and the Sender Empfänger?


tombrain commented 3 months ago

Thank you- can you also provide a Description how to wire the Pi and the Sender Empfänger?

Danke Perhaps this help. It is only a foreign example

iflowmac commented 1 month ago

Hi tombrain, I got everything up and running, but I have a problem: I only hear one click from the shutter motor every time I press a button in HA, but they are not moving up or down. with aircontrol on a raspi everything works fine ( I got my codes from there). Is it possible, that the numbers of codes sent are too low? Where can I change that in your codes? In the component.h ? Can you please help me? (I have external blinds, Raffstore in German)

tombrain commented 1 month ago

hi, here:


i've changed it to 10

iflowmac commented 1 month ago

what do I have to restart to make the change happen? i changed it to different higher values, but nothing happens ...

tombrain commented 1 month ago

Not restart. Re-compile by install.