When using one of the tools for SAST (Static Application Security Testing), I found out about one issue in your package hierarchical dependency listed above.
└─┬ react-google-maps@9.4.5
└── scriptjs@2.5.9
└── jquery@1.5.2 Though it is not directly dependent on the scriptjs package, the scriptjs package uses jQuery 1.5.2 in it. at above path \node_modules\scriptjs\vendor\jquery.js )
jQuery 1.5.2 has known vulnerabilities: severity: medium; summary: XSS with location.hash, CVE: CVE-2011-4969, githubID: GHSA-579v-mp3v-rrw5; http://research.insecurelabs.org/jquery/test/
Upgrade to version 1.9.0 or later.
As the tool suggests, the JQuery 1.5.2 version has some security vulnerabilities, so upgrading this package to the latest would help.
I know posting this issue in the scriptjs package is more appropriate; I will post on that package too, but upgrading or removing it from that piece of code from your package itself would be much appreciated.
Hi, When using one of the tools for SAST (Static Application Security Testing), I found out about one issue in your package hierarchical dependency listed above.
└─┬ react-google-maps@9.4.5 └── scriptjs@2.5.9 └── jquery@1.5.2 Though it is not directly dependent on the scriptjs package, the scriptjs package uses jQuery 1.5.2 in it. at above path \node_modules\scriptjs\vendor\jquery.js )
Error: jQuery 1.5.2 has known vulnerabilities: severity: medium; summary: XSS with location.hash, CVE: CVE-2011-4969, githubID: GHSA-579v-mp3v-rrw5; http://research.insecurelabs.org/jquery/test/
Recommendation Upgrade to version 1.9.0 or later.
As the tool suggests, the JQuery 1.5.2 version has some security vulnerabilities, so upgrading this package to the latest would help.
I know posting this issue in the scriptjs package is more appropriate; I will post on that package too, but upgrading or removing it from that piece of code from your package itself would be much appreciated.